Ion Popescu-Gopo
2021Maria, Mirabella
Ion Popescu-Gopo
Gilda Manolescu, Medeea Marinescu
Two little girls - Maria and Mirabella - go to the woods for a walk and encounter several magical characters, among them a frog with his feet frozen in ice, a fireworm whose shoes keep catching fire, and a butterfly who's afraid of flying. To help their new friends, the girls must carry them to a sorceress who lives deep in the forest.
Maria, Mirabella

Surubul lui Marinica
Ion Popescu-Gopo
Короткометражный мультипликационный фильм выдающегося румынского аниматора Иона Попеску-Гопо рассказывает историю о некачественном винтике, изготовленном токарем-бракоделом Мариникой, о злоключениях несчастного винтика и о том, как он попадает в дом к Маринике, чтобы наказать своего создателя.
Marinica's Bodkin

Scurta istorie
Ion Popescu-Gopo
This 1957 Romanian short animation and Cannes Film Festival winner skilfully and with incredible artistic expression manages to condense the entire narrative of human evolutionary theory into a ten minute short film. Not only that, he eerily anticipates the communist triumph of the USSR launching the first man into space by a few years.
Brief History

The Romanian Musketeer
Gheorghe Vitanidis
Iurie Darie, Alexandru Repan
During the 18th century when Moldavian Prince Dimitrie Cantemir writes The History of the Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire the manuscript is stolen and offered to the highest bidder.
The Romanian Musketeer

S-a furat o bomba
Ion Popescu-Gopo
Emil Botta, Draga Olteanu Matei
A dialogue free Romanian science-fiction spy-comedy that draws upon farce, satire and surrealism as it subversively deconstructs the spy thriller with the protagonist's accidental discovery of a nuclear suitcase bomb and the subsequent fight over ownership between the rival powers of the criminals and the military.
A Bomb Was Stolen

Comedie fantastica
Ion Popescu-Gopo
Dem Rădulescu, Cornel Coman
This blend of comedy and psycho-drama is comprised of two disturbing stories. The first tells the tale of a robot who is set to Earth by his home planet to discover new energy sources. In the second a boy is sent into deep space as part of an inhuman experiment designed to create the perfect human.
A Fantastic Comedy

Ion Popescu-Gopo
Iurie Darie, Draga Olteanu Matei
Based on a 19th century tale, this self-referential fantasy, complete with musical and animated interludes plus a cast of fairytale characters, tells the story of a bet between an old man and a fairy over a bag with two gold coins.
The Bet

Galax, omul păpușă
Ion Popescu-Gopo
Mariana Cabanov, George Constantin
The story of Galax, a robotic 'man-doll', artificially created out of wood and computer circuitry, Appearing to come to life, it becomes a rival for the affections of Marie, a young student and an issue for university authorities.
Galax Man-Doll