Rafi Pitts
1967 (58 лет)Eureka
Lisandro Alonso
Viggo Mortensen, Chiara Mastroianni
Alaina is tired of being a police officer in the Pine Ridge Reservation, and decides to stop answering her radio. Her niece Sadie spends a long night waiting for her, to no avail. Hurt, she decides to begin her journey with the help of her grandfather: she will fly through time and space to South America, finally she will stop watching old black and white westerns that do not represent her in any way, and everything will feel different when she hears the dreams of other people, those who live in the forest. But there will be no definitive conclusions… Birds don’t talk to humans, yet if only we could understand them, they would surely have a few truths to tell us.

Fasl-e panjom
Rafi Pitts
Roya Nownahali, Ali Sarkhani
The fight for power in an isolated village. Two families have been enemies for so long they cannot even remember why. The only hope for peace between the feuding families is lost when an arranged marriage agreement is broken. Some days later, the groom, Karamat, returns with a brand new minibus. But a fierce competition for passengers break out when the bride, Mehrbanou, decides to do the same.
The Fifth Season

Rafi Pitts
Ghorban Ahmadi Galdi, Ismaïl Amani
In a small valley, riders pursue and kill a man. A horse thief, so his assassins claim. But for his ten year old son Issa, the disappearance of his father causes an avalanche of problems. With the family name stigmatized, Issa is bullied by the other children in the village. While his mother fights to clear her husbands name, Issa is left to his own devices. But unexpectedly, his solitude gives birth to his freedom, his real passion, horses.

Lisa Azuelos
Rafi Pitts, Muriel Robin
This is the crazy bet of a mother ready to do anything to help her son wake up from his coma. After Louis' accident, Thelma decides to do for him the "10 things to do before the end of the world" that he had written in his diary. By listening to these adventures, Louis will see how beautiful life is and that he must come back! By fulfilling a teenager's dreams at the age of forty, Thelma will experience an incredible journey that will take her farther than she ever imagined.
The Book of Wonders

Soy Nero
Rafi Pitts
Johnny Ortiz, Rory Cochrane
The border fence between Mexico and the United States is part of their lives; Mexican youths use it as a volleyball net on the beach, holding their own kind of international matches with their opposite numbers on the other side. When Nero scales the metres-high metal bars we suspect that he has done this often before: because nothing is going to divert him from his dream of becoming a US citizen. He follows the traces of his older brother which lead him to Los Angeles and the mansions of the rich and famous where he gazes incredulously at this very different lifestyle with its pools and double garages that he soon hopes will be his. His only chance of quickly acquiring a green card, however, is by volunteering for military service. Before he knows it, Nero finds himself in the desert landscape of the war zones of the Middle East, fighting for his citizenship with a machine gun in his hand.
I Am Nero

Rafi Pitts
Rafi Pitts, Mitra Hajjar
In an act of vengeance, a young man randomly kills two police officers. He escapes to the forest, where he is arrested by two other officers. The three men are surrounded by trees, the woods. They are lost in a maze, a desolate landscape, where the boundaries between the hunter and the hunted are difficult to perceive.
The Hunter

Lisandro Alonso
Viggo Mortensen, Chiara Mastroianni
Фильм исследует драму коренных народов Америки, которые спасаются от современности в надежде сохранить традиции своих предков. В четырех разных местах мира происходят четыре разные истории. Первая история начинается в 1870 году. Мёрфи ищет свою дочь после того, как ее похитил преступник Рэндалл. Герой следующей истории Убираджара, мужчина из современной индейской резервации в Южной Дакоте. Действие фильма переносится на золотые прииски в Амазонию, где герои буквально поражены «золотой лихорадкой»... последнее

60 Seconds of Solitude in Year Zero
Edmund Yeo, Oliver Whitehead
An anthology of one-minute films created by 60 international filmmakers on the theme of the death of cinema. Intended as an ode to 35mm, the film was screened one time only on a purpose-built 20x12 meter public cinema screen in the Port of Tallinn, Estonia, on 22 December 2011. A special projector was constructed for the event which allowed the actual filmstrip to be burnt at the same time as the film was shown.
60 Seconds of Solitude in Year Zero