Stanislav Govorukhin
1936 - 2018Место встречи изменить нельзя
Stanislav Govorukhin
Vladimir Vysotsky, Vladimir Konkin
Summer of 1945. The salute of the Great Victory died down and the country is gradually returning to peaceful life. From "fire yes into the fire" a young reconnaissance commander Volodya Sharapov falls, having come to the MUR for distribution, to the department for combating banditry. In the city the Black Cat gang rages, terrifying Muscovites. Captain Gleb Zheglov enters the fray with the bandits, for whom Sharapov soon becomes his right hand.
The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed

В поисках капитана Гранта
Stanislav Govorukhin
Nikolay Eryomenko, Vladimir Gostyukhin
Lord and Lady Glenarvan found a bottle in the ocean. this bottle contained a letter from captain Grant that he and 2 of his sailors had survived a disaster in sea and need help. Unfortunately, the letter was damaged by water, and only latitude is known (37 degrees), but no longitude. The Glenarvans decide to find captain Grant.
In Search for Captain Grant

Ten Little Indians
Stanislav Govorukhin
Vladimir Zeldin, Tatyana Drubich
A disturbing psychological thriller based on the classic novel by Agatha Christie. Ten strangers are forced to come face to face with their dark pasts after receiving an anonymous invitation to an isolated island off the coast of England.
Ten Little Indians

The Rifleman of the Voroshilov Regiment
Stanislav Govorukhin
Mikhail Ulyanov, Anna Sinyakina
A very typical post-Soviet era storyline. A bunch of vagabonds lured an innocent teenage girl to their apartment, offered her a drink, intimidated, then gang raped her. Local cops are incapable to undertake an adequate actions against the scoundrels - prevented by the superior chief of the local police, who is the dad of one of the scumbags. The case is closed. The girl's granddad tired of an endless circumlocution decides to take revenge in his own hands.
The Rifleman of the Voroshilov Regiment

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn
Stanislav Govorukhin
Fyodor Stukov, Vladislav Galkin
Without a book about the adventures of Tom and his friends Huckleberry Finn and Becky Thatcher, one can not imagine the childhood of a child! The small but brave heroes Tom and Huck search for the treasure, become "pirates", enter into a dangerous battle with the Indian Joe.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn

Радости и печали маленького лорда
Ivan Popov
Stanislav Govorukhin, Aleksey Vesyolkin
Cedric is an eight year old boy, son of a teacher of music. He is kind and fair, his friends respect him. Once he learns that in a great English manor lives a man who has the same portrait of a young officer, as his mother does...
Little Lord Fauntleroy

Орёл и решка
Georgiy Daneliya
Kirill Pirogov, Polina Kutepova
To earn money for married life, a young engaged man takes a job as an engineer on a privately operated oil drilling rig in the far North of Russia. A friend's letter brings the sad news that his fiancée has already married someone else and in desperation he quits his job and flies back to Moscow. There all his vast efforts to win her back seem in vain...
Heads and Tails

Сукины Дети
Leonid Filatov
Vladimir Ilin, Evgeniy Evstigneev
Завязка фильма основана на реальной исторической ситуации, сложившейся в театре на Таганке, когда его руководитель Юрий Любимов уехал из СССР (1984) и сделал ряд антипартийных высказываний, после чего его отстранили от управления театром и лишили гражданства. «Сукины дети» рассказывает о том, как труппа восприняла эти события и давление на них государства, а также показывает события, которые не случились - забастовку артистов, голодовку, угрозу самосожжения и смерть одного из них.
Sons of Bitches

Stanislav Govorukhin, Boris Durov
Margarita Koshelyova, Gennadi Voropayev
In the mountains, they stand alone against whatever will happen. For the several days they live in nature, they can rely only on themselves and each other. Elsewhere, there is always a fallback - here one is without a safety. This in itself can bring some to terror - the terror of having to rely on yourself - your own judgment, wits and fortitude. This is also the most incredible feeling of strength and independence. Knowing there is no safety means having to be one's own safety.

Среди серых камней
Kira Muratova
Igor Sharapov, Oksana Shlapak
A judge is devastated after the death of his wife and is neglectful of his children. His son befriends the children of a street beggar who live in an abandoned, derelict church. After his experience with his new friends, the young boy begins to feel sorry for his father and sympathizes with his loneliness.
Among Grey Stones

Анкор, ещё анкор!
Pyotr Todorovskiy
Valentin Gaft, Irina Rozanova
A drama set at the end of the Forties and the beginning of the Fifties. In a distant garrison town, life proceeds at a measured past. The officers drink and debauch, while the soldiers serve. Meanwhile accidentally unleashed human emotions are suffocated by the atmosphere of cruelty and hypocrisy.
Encore, Once More Encore!

White Explosion
Stanislav Govorukhin
Sergey Nikonenko, Lyudmila Gurchenko
1942, the German Wehrmacht is trying to capture the Baku oilfields at the Black sea. Their biggest obstacle are the Caucasian Mountains and few Russians soldiers to stop them. The story revolves around an important Mountain Pass, that is heavily contested by both sides.
White Explosion