Poul Bang
1905 - 1967Charles tante
Poul Bang
Dirch Passer, Ove Sprogøe
Charles and Peter have passed their law degree and are looking forward to wooing a few girls in the country. For that, they need a chaperone and persuade their fellow student Ditlev to play Charles's aunt from Brazil. Ditlev has a talent for acting and takes the role very seriously, but when Charles's real aunt turns up, things get complicated.
Charles' Aunt

Det støver stadig
Poul Bang
Dirch Passer, Ove Sprogøe
Det Støver Stadig er den anden film i den populære "Støv-serie" (Støv På Hjernen, Støv For Alle Pengene). Atter stod Arvid Müller og Aage Stentoft for det festlige manuskript, der introducerede nye sæder og skikke på det danske boligmarked. Man genkender let det lille samfund i "sovebyen", men store omvæltninger har fundet sted siden sidst, for beboerne på Solvænget har - med kommunestøtte - købt den ejendom, de bor i, og (- så kom noget, dengang, helt nyt) hustruerne har måttet tage arbejde for at klare økonomien! Helt forrygende er fru Rigmor Hansen (Bodil Udsen) som bestyrerinde af et Quick-vaskeri. Hendes "sandheder" om det nye dagligliv i Danmark sidder klokkeklart - og er evigt unge. Ejendommens første generalforsamling med gutterne i opgangen - og aflæggelse af første års regnskab, er gyldne scener fra dansk familiefilms guldalder.
Still Dust on the Brain

I kongens klæ'r
Poul Bang
Dirch Passer, Ove Sprogøe
Kjeld Petersen plays a merchant who has stolen his clothes when he is out take a dip in the Sound. He stopped by the police, and they find a call to military service in his pocket, after further complications lands him at the barracks, where he came under the loving care of 66 (Dirch compatible) and 65 (Ove Sprogø). So the stage is set for lots of fun and games, in the right old style.
I kongens klæ'r

Da freden kom til Danmark
Poul Bang, Johan Jacobsen
The liberation of Denmark and the many events that take place during the week from 4-9. May 1945. The message of freedom, rejoicing scenes at City Hall Square and a popular party around Copenhagen. The editor-in-chief of politics speaks on the newspaper's balcony. The English troops arrive with real cigarettes and are hailed in the city streets.
Da freden kom til Danmark

Poul Bang, Sidney W. Pink
Bent Mejding, Asbjørn Andersen
A portion of the tail of a prehistoric reptile is discovered in Denmark. It regenerates into the entire reptile, which proceeds to destroy buildings and property and generally make a nuisance of itself. It can fly, swim, and walk, and has impenetrable scales, which makes it difficult to kill.