Géza von Cziffra
1900 - 1989Geschundenes Zelluloid - Das Schicksal des Kinoklassikers "Im Westen nichts Neues"
Hans Beller
Gert Heidenreich, Christian Wolff
The 1930 Hollywood-produced anti-war film "Nothing New in the West" is one of the great works in film history. But like hardly any other cinema classic, it was ostracized, shortened, censored, altered in image and sound and banned. The documentary deals with the eventful fate and especially the censorship history of the film classic.
Bruised Celluloid

Banditen der Autobahn
Géza von Cziffra
Eva Ingeborg Scholz, Paul Hörbiger
The film is based on a true story, concerning a series of robberies on the highways of Germany. At the time of the actual events, there was a controversy over whether or not highway patrolmen should be given permission to use firearms against perpetrators.
Bandits of the Highway

Der weiße Traum
Géza von Cziffra
Olly Holzmann, Wolf Albach-Retty
The young ice skating talent, Liesl, lands a part in a new Revue at the Palast Theatre simply because she is confused with someone else. In reality, the roll was to be awarded to Lu Panther, the untalented girlfriend of the theatre's owner, Wildner. After a series of accidents and little disasters, Wildner shuts down the theatre before the Revue can take place. But the Revue's director, Ernst Eder, decides shortly thereafter to present the Revue on an ice skating rink belonging to Liesl's uncle. After a successful run, at first at the Wiener Prater, the performers move on to Spain, Hungary, and a night club with a Jazz orchestra. The Revue becomes a huge success ... and, of course, Ernst and Liesl end up together, too.
Der weiße Traum