Franz Wenzler
2021Die Nacht ohne Pause
Franz Wenzler, Andrew Marton
Sig Arno, Camilla Horn
When Julius Seipold's wife Regine becomes suspicious that he is having an affair after discovering incriminating evidence, Julius manages to convince her that it is his innocuous assistant Max who is having a relationship.
The Night Without Pause

Hundert Tage
Franz Wenzler
Werner Krauß, Gustaf Gründgens
Экранизация пьесы, которую написал Бенито Муссолини. Она была впервые опубликована в Германии в 1933 году, после прихода к власти национал-социалистов. В пьесе рассказывается о Наполеоне, точнее, его последних ста днях правления, когда он стремительно возвратил себе власть во Франции. Во время своего заточения на острове Эльба Наполеон предстаёт зрителю как человек, который всего лишь хотел создать счастливый мир без войн. Он говорит: «Если бы я всё-таки победил в Москве, то исполнилась бы моя мечта — возникла бы единая Европа, которая бы не знала войн, а только мир». Противники Наполеона, правители европейских стран, рассматривают убийство в качестве «проявления человечности».
Hundert Tage

Hans Westmar
Franz Wenzler
Paul Wegener, Emil Lohkamp
Nazi film about the story of a Nazi Storm Trooper named Horst Wessel--here called "Hans Westmar"--who took part in street brawls and assassinations in Berlin in the 1920s and 1930s against Communists and other opponents of the Nazis, and was killed by Communists not long before this film came out.
Hans Westmar

Ehe mit beschränkter Haftung
Franz Wenzler
Charlotte Susa, Georg Alexander
Though "blessed" with a complex title, which translates as Marriage with Limited Liability, this German comedy was adapted from the more simply titled stage play Causa Kaiser. Composer Georg Kaiser is unable to secure a divorce from his wife, so he "lives in sin" with his singer-sweetheart Causa. The girl's wealthy uncle dies, leaving her millions -- provided she is married to Georg Kaiser. Hoping to take advantage of a legal loophole, Georg seeks out another man named George Kaiser, intending to marry him off to Causa so that she can collect her legacy. Georg Kaiser # 2 is a middle-aged naif who can't understand why his new bride is so cold to him. When he finds out he's been duped by Kaiser #1, Kaiser #2 finds solace in the arms of another woman closer to his own age, which somehow leads to a happy ending for all concerned.
Marriage with Limited Liability