Andreas Linke
Andreas Linke
Sergej Moya, Frederick Lau
East-Germany, 1984: Frank Korbach is looking forward to attending drama school, while his rebellious best friend Thomas is refusing to do military service. Together with the adventurous but naive Alex, Thomas plans to make a desperate attempt to escape to the West. Knowing that he might never see them again, Frank accompanies Thomas and Alex to the frontier. Suddenly, they are confronted by a special unit of the Stasi, the East German secret police. Although the boys manage to avoid capture, Frank's old life is gone forever - he has now become a fugitive. Frank's father Kurt Korbach is stunned by the escape. Unknown to his son, Kurt is a Major in the Stasi. Convinced that Frank is innocent, he persuades his superiors that he alone can bring his son back. Together with the suspicious Colonel Frey - a time bomb waiting to explode - Kurt sets off to track down the runaway boys.

Baron Münchhausen
Andreas Linke
Jan Josef Liefers, Jessica Schwarz
В небольшой гостинице обедневший Барон Мюнхгаузен рассказывает о своих приключениях. История повествует о том, как барон защитил Санкт-Петербург и императрицу Екатерину от атакующих турок. Во время этой битвы он встретился с самым могущественным человеком в мире и самый быстрым человеком в мире. Чтобы победить султана, он совершил перелет на пушечном ядре в турецкий лагерь. И это еще не все события…
Baron Münchhausen

Charlotte Link: Die Betrogene
Andreas Linke
Peri Baumeister, Dirk Borchardt
The bestselling film by Charlotte Links "Die Betrogene" offers suspenseful thrill with a psychological depth: A London Scotland Yard official returns to her hometown to clarify the murder of her father, and finds out that he was not the superhuman hero for which she always held him. Leading actress Peri Baumeister and Dirk Borchardt in the role of the local police chief, who wants to keep his big city colleague in vain out of his work, form a contrasting investigator duo.
Charlotte Link: Die Betrogene

Mein Schüler, seine Mutter & ich
Andreas Linke
Uwe Ochsenknecht, Anica Dobra
Music teacher Carlo, an easygoing old rock'n'roller, meets doctor Ellen in hospital. She is completely stressed out, so that even son Franz often falls by the wayside. A short time later, Carlo makes an unforgivable mistake: fed up with the pupils' never-ending paltry questions, he advises Franz, whose anger at his mother is slowly boiling over, that he should simply report her to the Youth Welfare Office.
Mein Schüler, seine Mutter & ich