František Čáp
1913 - 1972Vesna
František Čáp
Metka Gabrijelčič, Franek Trefalt
Samo, Sandi in Krištof se pripravljajo na maturo. Domislijo se, da bi se lahko dokopali do matematičnih maturitetnih nalog s pomočjo domnevne profesorjeve hčerke z vzdevkom Hiperbola. Ker ne vedo njenega pravega imena, jo poimenujejo Vesna (pomlad). Na zmenku se nepričakovano prikaže prava profesorjeva hčerka, privlačna Janja. Samo in Vesna se zaljubita in zgodba se začne naglo odvijati. Samo povabi Vesno (Janjo) na vožnjo z jadralnim letalom. Morata zasilno pristati.Sandi, vesel, da so končno dobili naloge, se zanje stepe s Samom. Samo se poškoduje in zaradi tega ne more na zmenek z Vesno. Nanj gre Sandi, ki na zmenku poskuša pridobiti Vesno zase. Zareče se mu in uide mu resnica, da so za Vesno žrebali. Zaradi tega se hoče Vesna ubiti. Skoči s padalom v upanju, da se ne bo odprlo. Vse se lepo izide, padalo se odpre.

Ne čakaj na maj
František Čáp
Metka Gabrijelčič, Franek Trefalt
A young girl, Vesna, goes on a skiing vacation to Slovenian Alps, where she is being looked after by her aunt. Her family gets worried when they meet Vesna's boyfriend, and try to marry the couple, thinking that she may be pregnant with him.
Don't Whisper

Naš avto
František Čáp
Ruša Bojc, Janez Čuk
A photographer decides to buy a car with the money he'll get for his prizewinning photo, but the postman brings only a diploma instead of money. Being subjected to the ridicule of their neighbors, his family decides to buy an used Buick, in spite of being against it at first. That would turn out to be a huge mistake, since the breakdowns are more often that they can afford.
Our Car

Vrata ostaju otvorena
František Čáp
Rade Vergović, Teodora Arsenović
A juvenile delinquent escapes the hall and responses to ad of the parents who lost their son in WWII. After being accepted with much love and care, he reconsiders his initial plan to rob the family.
The Door Remains Open

František Čáp
Terezie Brzková, Světla Svozilová
"Grandmother" is a highly romanticized autobiographical novel by a Czech 19th century writer, Bozena Nemcova. It's a classical, compulsory reading in Czech schools, about a wise, working-class woman, happier in her simplicity and good heart than the nobles whom she serves.

Před maturitou
Vladislav Vančura, Svatopluk Innemann
Jindřich Plachta, František Smolík
The story of high school students, talented Jan and Karel, who has a problem with math. Their life affects pedantic professor of mathematics Klec, that goes with them on a school trip, which escalates the conflict between them. Jan wants to escape, but Professor Donat will discourage him. Karel fails the exam of mathematics and decides to commit suicide.
Before Graduation

Mlhy na blatech
František Čáp
Zdeněk Štěpánek, Marie Blažková
Mist on the Moors examines fates of just about a few people. Their stories are outlined in a short space of time and are a symbolic representation of the drama of life, struggle for justice, human cognizance and the healing power of love. One of the most important components of the film is the nature, which ceases to be a mere stage for its plot—it serves almost as an autonomous plot agent. The movie landscape is a precisely defined and localized one. Only the South Bohemian ponds can serve as the right environment for development of such earthy and typically human stories as we encounter in the Mist on the Moors.
Mist on the Moors

Ohnivé léto
Václav Krška, František Čáp
Václav Sova, Otýlie Beníšková
This romantic story turns on a stirring infatuation that takes hold of three young people under the influence of Simon, a Prague student. After the study year, 18 year-old Julio returns to his parental home, a little chateau on the Otava river. There he converges with his childhood friend Petr and the young boatman's daughter Klárka. Sharing her beguilement with Simon, who has quickly turned a tranquil summer atmosphere into a relationship drama, is Julio's cousin Rosa.
Fiery Summer