Erich Engels
1889 - 1971Donner, Blitz und Sonnenschein
Erich Engels
Karl Valentin, Liesl Karlstadt
Relations between Huckebein, a humble tailor, and Greizinger, a wealthy farmer, become strained after Greizinger breaks off the romance between his son, Franzl, and Huckenbein's daughter, Evi. However, after a situation with a 100 mark note taken from a pair of trousers pressed by Huckebein belonging to Greisinger is resolved, a valuable mineral spring is found on the tailor's property,and the warring fathers become friends and Evi and Franzl are married. From IMDB. Written by Les Adams
Donner, Blitz und Sonnenschein

Geheimnis des blauen Zimmers
Erich Engels
Theodor Loos, Wolfgang Staudte
Just for fun and to prove to the daughter of the castle lord how courageous they are, three young men agree to each spend one night in the "blue room“ of the castle. Years ago two people lost their lives in this room under most mysterious circumstances. Ever since, the door to the room has been locked. The youngest of the three men insists upon spending the first night in the blue room. At exact 1 a.m. a shot rings out...
The Secret of the Blue Room