Viacheslav Kryshtofovych
1947 (77 лет)Ребро Адама
Viacheslav Kryshtofovych
Inna Churikova, Yelena Bogdanova
The film is based on the story of Anatoly Kurchatkin "House of Women". A tragicomedy about four women of three generations who lives in a tiny Moscow apartment: a sick grandmother, constantly requiring attention; a mother, very peculiar woman, who still hoping to somehow arrange her personal life; and two daughters, each of whom has a lot of problems.
Adam's Rib

Перед экзаменом
Viacheslav Kryshtofovych
Olga Zhulina, Igor Kvasha
Поругавшись с мамой и подругой героиня бредет по улице и незнакомка отдает ей даром билет в театр. На спектакле рядом с героиней сидит тот (Иван), с кем не пошла на спектакль незнакомка. Юная Таня Гусакова на распутье: родители настаивают, чтобы она поступала в педагогический институт. Но когда тебе 18, кажется, что весь мир у твоих ног. Поэтому, в ночь перед экзаменом девушка принимает важное решение…
Перед экзаменом

Priyatel Pokoynika
Viacheslav Kryshtofovych, Leonid Boyko
Aleksandr Lazarev Jr., Anzhelika Nevolina
Tolla is an unemployed translator whose wife is leaving him. Despondent and weak, he submits to the suggestion of an acquaintance to have a contract placed on the man that his wife is seeing. Instead, however, he arranges for the hit to be placed on himself. Before the contract is executed, he develops a relationship with a prostitute, and then changes his mind. In order to survive he takes the obvious course of action, which turns out to have possibly been unnecessary, and then he must deal with the guilt.
A Friend of the Deceased

Одинокая женщина желает познакомиться
Viacheslav Kryshtofovych
Irina Kupchenko, Aleksandr Zbruev
A lonely woman, who is desperately tired of her lonesome, posts a message that she wishes to meet someone. A man answers this message, who seems to have nothing in common with the woman. But...
Lonely Woman Seeks Life Companion

Viacheslav Kryshtofovych
Stanislav Boklan, Larysa Rusnak
Slow life in a small seaside town N is suddenly disturbed by a local scandal around a man who has recently passed away. Only his wife and his friend know where he was buried, and they refuse to tell the others, seemingly in accordance to his last will. Each character seeks answers to the questions of their own, but they are searching on the outside, inquiring society and each other, so their efforts are futile. Something is about to happen.

Автопортрет неизвестного
Viacheslav Kryshtofovych
Aleksandr Zbruev, Natalya Negoda
A strange combination of circumstances leads the forty-year-old engineer Igor into the hall of the old cinema, where the film session has already begun. The main character of the picture is the poet Belov, the same romantic loser, disappointed in himself and in everything - surprisingly similar to him. Moreover, Igor soon realizes that he is looking from the side at his own life. What is happening on the screen becomes a shock and revelation for him. In the dark hall of the mysterious cinema, fate gives Igor the only chance to start all over again.
Selfportrait of an Unknown Man

Два гусара
Viacheslav Kryshtofovych
Oleg Yankovskiy, Aleksandr Abdulov
Drama on the novel of the same name L. N. Tolstoy. Two hussars - father and son - two morals, two worldviews. And although older Turbin frivolous in love, but reliable in friendship and principled in matters of honor. Junior Turbines do not stand up to comparison with his father - he is calculating, shallow and selfish "hussars of the new generation".
Two hussars

О нём
Viacheslav Kryshtofovych
Sergey Zhigunov, Eva Baratz
Для многих людей судьба приготовила трагические испытания – испытания любви, верности и чести. Каждый из них должен сделать нелегкий выбор, подчас жертвуя своей жизнью ради счастья дорогих им людей. Москва. После гибели жены продюсер Денис едет искать отца приемной дочери, который, по слухам, живет в мужском монастыре…
О нём