Dmitry Fiks
1962 (62 года)Еврей
Dmitry Fiks
Artur Smolyaninov, Aglaya Tarasova
Конец 1940-х. Михаил Красницкий ведет тихую жизнь под Ростовом вместе с любимой женой Ривой. Когда умирает первенец Михаила и Ривы, герой принимает это как знак свыше. Под предлогом командировок герой начинает разъезжать по городам СССР, где хладнокровно, по неясной причине совершает убийства. Следователю УгРо капитану Смолову удается связать между собой дела об убийствах, произошедших в разных концах страны.

Старые песни о главном
Dmitry Fiks
Leonid Agutin, Bari Alibasov
Музыкальный фильм. Дело происходит в колхозе. Время действия: вторая половина 1940-х — начало 1950-х годов. В фильме сделана оговорка, что место действия неизвестно, однако, по стилю одежды (папахи, вышиванки) и манере разговора героев можно сделать вывод, что действие происходит на Кубани, или на Слободской Украине.
Старые песни о главном

Неидеальная женщина
Dmitry Fiks
Anastasiya Zavorotnyuk, Vladislav Galkin
Lyubanya, a hairdresser who has lost her job, and her eleven-year-old son find themselves in a difficult situation. She tries to borrow money from his girlfriend Simkina. She agrees to help, but only on the condition that Lyubanya will help her regain the man she loved, a certain Valeriy. Lyubanya must "accidentally" get acquainted with him and pretend to be his ideal, and when he falls in love with the "woman of his dreams" — leave him. Then Simkina will appear to "glue" Valeriy's broken heart, and at the same time their broken relationship. Out of desperation, Lyubanya joins in this game, but very quickly realizes that she has fallen in love. The heroine faces the question: how to tell Valeriy the truth about himself and their "casual" acquaintance?
An Imperfect Woman

Человек ниоткуда
Dmitry Fiks
Vladimir Yepifantsev, Aleksandr Borisov
Капитан отдела внедрения МВД Сергей Кутепов возвращается домой в Москву после выполнения опасного задания. Вернувшись, он узнает, что его жена Марина изменяет ему. И это – не единственная проблема. При попытке внедрения в банду наркоторговца Кесаря погибает друг Кутепова, офицер отдела внедрения Тихонов. Начальство Кутепова подозревает, что Тихонова выдал банде кто-то из своих. Кутепову поручают внедриться в банду Кесаря и найти «крота».
Chelovek Niotkuda

Московский жиголо
Dmitry Fiks
Sergey Gorobchenko, Olesya Sudzilovskaya
A young captain demobilized from the army, in search of a better life, comes to Moscow. All attempts to earn money honestly for housing and food end in failure. In addition, he owes a large sum to his comrade in the military school, who has long abandoned the army and is successfully dancing striptease in one of the capital's clubs. To pay back the debt, the hero agrees to work in a striptease and from that moment becomes a professional gigolo.
Moscow Gigolo

Большая любовь
Dmitry Fiks
Anna Astashkina, Mikhail Porechenkov
The end of the fifties. A brave general, a confirmed bachelor and a desperate womanizer Anton Smybabov receives an order to get married within two weeks - otherwise he faces dismissal from the army. In the process of desperate search for a bride, the general really falls in love for the first time in his life...
Great Love

Andrejs Ēķis, Dmitry Fiks
Dmitriy Nagiev, Irina Pegova
People who are very different in social origin, material capabilities, occupation and outlook on life are involved in a curious situation. Wealthy businessman Igor and his girlfriend Olga - a socialite who dreams of a career as a designer; tired from work as a physiotherapist Andrey and his wife, a pharmacist, Irina. The thrill seeking in one case and the desire to find a way out of the family dead end in the other lead these couples to a New Year's Eve swinger party. A sexual experiment in both couples, initiated by only one of the partners, turns into a series of incidents and ends in failure. To the surprise of themselves and their "legitimate" halves, the heroes reveal real feelings and strong mutual affection.

Beliy Mavr, ili Intimniye Istorii o Moikh Sosediyakh
Dmitry Fiks
Andrey Sokolov, Yekaterina Strizhenova
This is an ironic, sometimes frankly ridiculous and at the same time sad story about the everyday life of the so-called “upper middle class” - glorified by Woody Allen in America, but still very small in Russia among wealthy citizens. In addition to the enviable affluence, all these businessmen, movie directors, fashion directors, owners of dental clinics and their beautiful wives who are stuck in existential doubts and trivial adultery, are also united by their sonorous `pioneers` (Russian boy & girl scouts) past, which sometimes turns out to be much more difficult than to build a mansion in New Riga...
White Moor or Intimate Stories about my Neighbors

Второй фронт
Dmitry Fiks
Craig Sheffer, Todd Field
In the midst of World War 2, intelligence services from England, Germany and Russia collided in a fierce fight for the mind of Nicky Raus, a genius German Jewish scientist who's developing a weapon of tremendous power. An American agent, Frank Hossom, enters the game when German agents undertake a daring operation stealing the scientist. Frank has to get the scientist back - dead or alive. His mission is complicated by his developing relationship with Olga Ryabina, Nicky's lover, an actress forced to work for KGB. The love triangle and the international intrigue weave into a deadly net.
The Second Front

Dmitry Fiks
Artur Smolyaninov, Aglaya Tarasova
The USSR, 1946. The main character, Mikhail Krasnitsky, travels to different cities across the country. When he arrives, he commits cold-blooded murders, for reasons that are not yet evident. The Secret Service manages to connect all of these crimes and figure out that all of the victims were former death camp inmates. However, the murderer’s motive still remains unclear.
The Jew