Luiz Paulino Dos Santos
2021Crueldade Mortal
Luiz Paulino Dos Santos
Jofre Soares, Tonico Pereira
Man leaves his family behind and moves to Nova Iguaçu, a poor and violent city in the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. He tries to rebuild his life, but falls in love with a woman who despises him, which drives him mad.
Deadly Cruelty

Mandacaru Vermelho
Nelson Pereira dos Santos
Nelson Pereira dos Santos, Miguel Torres
Despite being promised to another man, a young orphaned woman falls in love with man working at the farm she lives in , and together they escape. According tradition in Northeast Brazil, her aunt goes after them, in order to kill them for revenge.
Mandacaru Vermelho

O Homem Que Não Dormia
Edgard Navarro
Evelin Buchegger, Bertrand Duarte
On a same night, five people from a small country town have the same nightmare. Upon the arrival of a pilgrim, the village is taken off its mediocre routine and the characters are thrown on the vortex of an uncommon situation. Each one’s truth will come to light, releasing them of the wicked hypocrisies, fears and diseases, compelling them to take control of their fate and rewrite their life.
The Man Who Couldn't Sleep