Jaroslav Mach
1921 - 1972Nahá pastýřka
Jaroslav Mach
Karel Höger, Jiřina Petrovická
At the Ronov castle, the archive-keeper professor Nykl (Milos Nedbal) is searching for the lost painting The Naked Shepherdess by the famous Fragonard. Nykl is just about to disassemble the mantelpiece in the knight's hall, convinced that the painting must be hidden somewhere inside. His efforts, however, meet the strong disapproval of the castle manager, Anna Juzová (Jirina Petrovická), who knows very well where The Naked Shepherdess is. She wants to get hold of the painting herself, to emigrate and smuggle it along. In fact, Anna deals with forgeries of the most distinguished old masters, selling them abroad. The copies are made for her by the painter and restorer Maudr (Martin Ruzek) and the certificates of authenticity are issued by Anna's companion - expert Laburda (Karel Höger). One day, Anna is found murdered in front of the castle's fireplace.
Nahá pastýřka

O medvědu Ondřejovi
Jaroslav Mach
Jaroslav Marvan, Aglaia Morávková
Princess Blanka (Aglaia Morávková) is secretly meeting her beloved, huntsman Ondrej (Jirí Papez). Only the chamber-maid Anezka (Jirina Bohdalová) is in favour of their love but Blanka’s father, the King (Jaroslav Marvan), mustn’t find out anything about it. Blanka is refusing all the bridegrooms the King has invited to the castle. The King has enough of his daughter’s moodiness and shuts her up in the tower. The suitors must search for her and she is to marry the one who finds her first.
The Bear and the Ghosts

Medvěd a strašidla
Jaroslav Mach
Jaroslav Marvan, Jiří Papež
В фильме две новеллы, созданные по мотивам чешских народных сказок. Первая - о скромной красавице принцессе и ее возлюбленном - веселом плутоватом сыне лесника, об их горячей любви, преодолевающей все препятствия и невзгоды. Вторая - о бесстрашном Франте, который не боялся привидений, но по-настоящему струсил, когда ему пришлось объясняться в любви красавице Верунке.
Medvěd a strašidla

Rakev ve snu viděti...
Jaroslav Mach
Bohumil Šmída, Jaroslava Obermaierová
The Ronov castle has been changed into a hotel, offering stylish facilities to its guests: weddings in the torture chamber, a Black Lancer kidnapping brides, a night's lodging in a family tomb etc. The reformed petty swindler Felix Pacínek (Bohumil Smída) runs the hotel. The business is far from thriving; the place is half-empty, and the jazz band Skeleton, together with their singer Zuzanka (Jaroslava Obermaierová), decide to leave. Nobody in the hotel has any idea that the band is in fact a gang of thieves who have just robbed the Prague State Bank, taking two million crowns from its vaults.
„Rakev ve snu viděti...“