Mikhail Yershov
1924 - 2004MI Ershov was born on December 10, 1924 in the village of Kamkino (now Baryatinsky district, Kaluga region).
Since 1958, after graduating from the directing department of VGIK (workshop of SI Yutkevich), the director of the Lenfilm studio.
Member of the Great Patriotic War, Mikhail Ershov belonged to a generation of "front-line filmmakers" and entered a large cinematography with the theme of heroism of the people during the war. He was seriously wounded on August 2, 1942.
MI Ershov died on September 29, 2004. He was buried in St. Petersburg on the Kovalevsky cemetery.
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Blood Ties
Mikhail Yershov
Yevgeni Matveyev, Vija Artmane
Tank crew Officer-member Fedotov on the way from a hospital on visiting home became acquainted with young Sonya, mother of three children. After demobilization went back to her. Happiness of them was short. Sonya became ill and died. Soon her husband arrived after children, but left with a father only junior.
Blood Ties

На пути в Берлин
Mikhail Yershov
Nikolay Trofimov, Gennadi Karnovich-Valua
Весна 1945 года. Последние битвы Великой Отечественной войны, а впереди самая главная — битва за Берлин. О том, как шла подготовка и проведение этой операции, через судьбы ее участников и героев рассказывает этот фильм.
На пути в Берлин

Блокада: Операция "Искра"
Mikhail Yershov
Yuriy Solomin, Yevgeni Lebedev
"Iskra" is the codename for the plan of the operation of the Soviet troops to break the blockade of Leningrad. In January 1943, the blockade of Leningrad was broken. A corridor 8-11 km wide was formed between Lake Ladoga and the front line.
Blokada: Operatsiya Iskra

Блокада: Лужский рубеж
Mikhail Yershov
Yuriy Solomin, Yevgeni Lebedev
In June 1941, the Extraordinary Defense Headquarters of Leningrad, under the leadership of Zhdanov and Voroshilov, decided to build the Luga defensive line. Heavy fighting west of Pskov forced units of the front to withdraw, and on July 9, Pskov was also abandoned. The battles in the Luga direction held back the enemy. The first attacks of the Germans, intending to cross the Luga line on the move, were repulsed with heavy losses for them.
Blokada: Luzhskiy rubezh

To Survive Until Dawn
Mikhail Yershov, Viktor Sokolov
Aleksandr Mikhaylov, Aleksei Goryachev
On December 6, 1941, the troops of the Western Front launched an offensive near Moscow. And before that, in the autumn of 1941, when the fascists were at Moscow, ten soldiers under the command of a lieutenant went into the enemy terrain to blow up the ammunition base.
To Survive Until Dawn

Mikhail Yershov
Nikolay Trofimov, Oleg Belov
Африканыч всю жизнь прожил в деревне с женой Катериной в любви и согласии. Катерина родила ему шестого ребенка, а потом заболела. Африканыч решил поехать на заработки, но в пути понял, что без Катерины и родного дома жить не может.

Попутного ветра, «Синяя птица»!
Mikhail Yershov
Blaženka Katalinić, Vitali Doronin
The beautiful "Blue Bird" schooner is sailing along the Adriatic sea coast. The passengers of the schooner are children of different nationalities, winners of the competition "For Peace and Mutual Understanding". During this wonderful sea voyage children find out that there are smugglers on board the ship...
Good Wind, 'Blue Bird'!

Под стук колес
Mikhail Yershov
Iya Arepina, Ivan Selianin
Сидя в купе вагона, Егор вспоминает детство, свою дружбу с самой веселой и озорной девчонкой села Настенькой. Егор уехал учиться, а Настя стала очаровательной девушкой, бросила школу и начала работать в доме отдыха. Отдыхающие предсказывали ей блестящую карьеру артистки, и Настя забыла друга детства. Забыли о ней и уехавшие столичные гости, обещавшие вызвать её в Москву.
Clattering Wheels

Люблю тебя, жизнь!
Mikhail Yershov
Gennadi Vernov, Ariadna Shengelaia
Timofej Korneev is a fresh member of the Communist Party. He works as an engineer for Leningrad candy factory. Since most of its colleagues are young girls he soon finds himself in a love triangle. Moreover, there's a third girl trapped by a scheming Jehovah Witnesses sect. Will Timofej be able to stop the brainwashing?
I Love You, Life

Mikhail Yershov
Lev Stepanov, Svetlana Mazovetskaya
Мелодрама по одноименному рассказу А. П. Чехова. Прекрасную и умилительную картину представляло собой человечество в первый день нового года. Все радовались, ликовали, поздравляли друг друга. Воздух оглашался самыми искренними и сердечными пожеланиями. Все были счастливы и довольны... Один только губернский секретарь Понимаев был недоволен. В новогодний полдень он стоял на одной из столичных улиц и протестовал. Обняв правой рукой фонарный столб, а левой отмахиваясь неизвестно от чего, он бормотал вещи непростительные и предусмотренные...