Ivar Johansson
1889 - 1963Rågens Rike
Ivar Johansson
Mathias Taube, Eric Laurent
Based on a Finnish poem, The Kingdom of Rye is a gorgeous romantic drama set in rural northern Sweden during the harvest. It features a young couple whose love affair is fraught with Hardy-esque complications and an unhappily married wife of the landowner.
The Kingdom of Rye

Springpojkar är vi allihopa
Ivar Johansson
Åke Söderblom, Rune Halvarsson
Gugge and Nuffe work at the competing meat wholesalers AB Delikatesser and AB Skånedelikatesser. The two companies compete for a large order and the two will stop at hardly nothing to get the order
Springpojkar är vi allihopa

Snurriga familjen
Ivar Johansson
Thor Modéen, Elsa Carlsson
Manager Blom and his family stop at a mountain hotel. Once there, all family members are insolent and even cruel to both guests and staff. When the hotel manager tries to get rid of the family Manager Blom buys the hotel. But all of the staff resigns while a telegram to the family Blom tells them they are ruined! To raise money the family begins to work on and operate the hotel.
Snurriga familjen

Ivar Johansson
Ingrid Bergman, Sten Lindgren
Daniel has been forced by his father to become a priest. After graduating, he comes to a parish in Hälsingland. During one stormy night, he seduces a young girl, Karin, and rapes her. Filled with regret, he runs out into the dark night and is struck by lightning. He loses his memory and is taken to a distant hospital to recover. Meanwhile Karin gets pregnant and has a child. Eventually Daniel comes back and when he meets Karin his memory returns.
Ocean Breakers

Tänk, om jag gifter mig med prästen
Ivar Johansson
Viveca Lindfors, Georg Rydeberg
Eva Örn is a newly graduated teacher, who becomes a school teacher in rural Vikarlunda. She is a beautiful young woman with firm opinions and she does not live up to the locals' picture of the ideal female teacher. She has an affair with the pastor, Ingvar Hagson, but they have to keep their love a secret.
Tänk, om jag gifter mig med prästen

När syrenerna blomma
Ivar Johansson
Kenne Fant, Nine-Christine Jönsson
The 1880s. Abandoned by his middle class parents in Stockholm, Johannes grows up in the countryside with a cobbler who regularly beats him up. Also at school he has to face regular beatings because of his Stockholm background, the only one who cares for him is a girl, Lotta, who promises to marry him one day. When he's 20 he moves to Stockholm and joins the Royal guards at the Royal palace. Quite by accident he meets Lotta again and start an affair with her. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
När syrenerna blomma

Oss baroner emellan
Ivar Johansson
Adolf Jahr, Birgit Tengroth
Baron Leijoncloo comes back to Sweden after many years in Argentina. On his way to his good friend Victor Sällberg's home, he loses his luggage. A con artist, Jönsson, finds it, and uses the baron's title to get invited to the manor of Mr. and Mrs. Blomqvist. By a coincidence, the baron also comes to the manor using a fake name. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Oss baroner emellan

Livet i finnskogarna
Ivar Johansson
Naima Wifstrand, Barbro Ribbing
In a rural parish in 1906, young Heikki, one of the Finnish immigrants, lives a wild and free life in the deep forest. After poaching, his furs are confiscated and Heikki vows to have his revenge by seducing the young women of the parish, one by one.
Livet i finnskogarna

Ivar Johansson
Hilda Castegren, Sven Bergvall
Jonas goes with a tremendous speed with his horse over a country road in Hälsingland. Because of this speed Birgit Ljusnar, who is along the road picking blueberries, falls. Jonas stops and helps her up. He gives Birgit two Swedish crowns for the pain and the suffering. Furthermore, he promises her a job on the farm.