Arūnas Matelis
2021Sekmadienis. Evangelija pagal liftininką Albertą
Arūnas Matelis
Arūnas Matelis
Albertas, a lift-operator, sits all day waiting for someone to ring the elevator. His wait transcends his sense of community and symbolism, a sign that someone needs him. The film, rife with surreal humor, is the documentary version of Samuel Beckett’s ‘Waiting for Godot’.
The Gospel According to Lift-Man Albertas

Iš dar nebaigtų Jeruzalės pasakų
Arūnas Matelis
The film is like an essay. During spring, the village is soaked in flood. It’s Easter Eve. The villagers are gathering for a strange old ritual in order to watch over The Crucified until the dawn. However, the stillness is being shaken by performers/villagers who are trying to steal The Crucified, as well as a nearby factory noises that remind of space rocket take off site. The film is based on a strange old pagan tradition, which is still preserved only in one village in Samogitia (a part of Lithuania). The tradition goes back to the archaic space of the magic’s of folk theater.
From Unfinished Tales of Jerusalem

Skrydis per Lietuvą arba 510 sekundžių tylos
Arūnas Matelis, Audrius Stonys
The film features an incredibly low angel’s flight over the dunes of Nida, Trakai castle, the lakes of Aukstaitija (Highlands), the roofs of the Old Town of Vilnius and the fantastically beautiful church steeples. It’s like a mystical gliding just above the treetops, meadows covered by early morning mist, as well as the narrow streets of Vilnius.
Flight Over Lithuania or 510 Seconds of Silence

Nuostabieji Luzeriai. Kita planeta
Arūnas Matelis
Massimo Branca, Daniele Colli
They're called water carriers, domestics, 'gregarios', 'Sancho Panzas' of professional cycling. Always at the back of the group, with no right for a personal victory. These wonderful losers are the true warriors of professional cycling.
Wonderful Losers: A Different World

Baltijos kelias
Arūnas Matelis, Audrius Stonys
With Baltic Way, shot at the end of his film studies, Audrius Stonys seizes the first and irrepressible breath of freedom wafting across the places, bodies and views of his people during the days of “the Baltic way”, a human chain going from Vilnius to Tallinn via Riga, formed of 2 million Baltics demanding their countries’ independence in 1989.
Baltijos kelias

Dešimt minučių prieš Ikaro skrydį
Arūnas Matelis
A manifesto for the post-Soviet generation of Lithuanian filmmakers who rejected straightforward declarativity and immersed themselves into the silent observation of reality. Arunas Matelis traces the beginnings of post-Soviet transformation not in the main squares of Vilnius but observes it in the daily life of the inhabitants of Užupis–a historical quarter of the old town of Vilnius. The film, awarded in the Oberhausen, Bornholm and Pärnu film festivals, was also screened as a feature in the Cannes Film Festival.
Ten Minutes Before the Flight of Icarus