Vince Collins
2021Malice in Wonderland
Vince Collins
A jet-propelled white rabbit flies through the vulva of a supine woman into a wonderland where people and objects turn inside out, changing shapes and identities at warp speed. Events roughly follow Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland." The caterpillar and the queen make appearances, as does Alice. Images and symbols are often sexual. At the end, Alice asks, "Who has had such a curious dream?"
Malice in Wonderland

Animation School Dropout
Vince Collins
This is animation after all and any kind of motion is possible, but there must be rules. For example, if a character in your story can't fly and then all of a sudden he can fly for no reason. As soon as something looks wrong or out of place, your audience will think about how weird that looked and you've lost them.
Animation School Dropout

Magical Cat's Journey
Vince Collins
The Magical Cat's Journey is a must-see for cat lovers. The beautiful, fun-loving golden cat and his playmate the red ball take you on a fantastic journey over pulsating buildings, through cat-shaped meteorites, etc... But the cat has to meet his fateful foe, the blue Evil Cat, who also wants to have the red ball. The gold and blue mandala fight was a draw -- and then, what now? Enjoy!
Magical Cat's Journey