Yakov Segel
1923 - 1995Дом, в котором я живу
Yakov Segel, Lev Kulidzhanov
Valentina Telegina, Nikolai Yelizarov
1935. Two families — Davydov's with three children and the newlyweds Lida and Dmitri Kashirin's — enter the new house on the outskirts of Moscow into a common communal apartment. The children grow up, and they and the adults around them are looking for their place in life, looking for answers to the questions of who to be and what to be, quarreling, making peace, building relationships, destroying them. Six years later, the peaceful lives of characters, with their joys and misfortunes, quarrels and reconciliations, and complex personal relationships, are blown up by a war that connects everyone at once, forcing them to see the meaning of their days, their attitudes to each other and their life values in a different way. For some of them, war is a fatal trait.
The House I Live In

Wake Mukhin Up!
Yakov Segel
Sergey Shakurov, Liliya Aleshnikova
During lectures on literature, evening student Sasha Mukhin, a subway driver, sleeps and dreams. In approximate accordance with the subject of the lectures, he either tries to prevent Pushkin’s duel with Dantes, either intervenes in the events of Spartak’s rebellion, or is present at Galileo’s abdication, then meets a person from the future and learns from him his future fate.
Wake Mukhin Up!

Deti Kapitana Granta
David Gutman, Vladimir Vaynshtok
Nikolai Vitovtov, Mariya Strelkova
The son and daughter of a lost-at-sea captain recruit help to find him on the basis of an incomplete note found in a bottle, and encounter adventures in Patagonia, Australia, and New Zealand... Based on Jules Verne novel.
Capt. Grant's Family

Риск - благородное дело
Yakov Segel
Aleksandr Mikhaylov, Liliya Aleshnikova
The thirty-year-old decathlete leaves the big sport and becomes a stunt performer in the cinema. About how the movie is shot, and about the development of personal relationships between the main characters.
Risk is a noble cause

Это начиналось так...
Yakov Segel, Lev Kulidzhanov
Vladimir Yemelyanov, Valentin Zubkov
A Moscow group of Komsomol members arrives on the virgin lands, in the Kazakh steppes, and immediately faces bureaucracy and carelessness. Someone flees the state farm for more reliable earnings, and someone simply does not want to work. But a new energetic director appears — and real life begins...
It Began This Way...

Серая болезнь
Yakov Segel
Igor Vladimirov, Vladimir Sedov
Однажды доктора Сперанский и Никулин совершили выдающееся научное открытие: они обнаружили бациллу равнодушия и невежественности. Чтобы как можно подробнее описать ее действие, один из них самоотверженно прививает ее себе. И — тотчас становится невыносим для окружающих, «заболевая» равнодушием и злобностью…
Серая болезнь

Yakov Segel
Marina Tarasova, Manefa Sobolevskaya
Extraterrestrial Girl visited Earth.Inventor Blinkov in love with her. His love is awakened in her new emotions and feelings.She realized that Blinkov can not live in a different world.And she leaves the Earth with sadness and loneliness.
The Extraterrestrial Women