Júlio Calasso Jr.
1941 - 2021Filme Demencia
Carlos Reichenbach
Ênio Gonçalves, Emílio Di Biasi
Transposition of the myth of Faust to modern Brazil. The heir to a bankrupt cigarette factory, amidst a personal crisis, leaves everything behind and heads for a supposed paradise he has seen in a tourist agency, where he believes he could find self-knowledge. In his search, he is inspired by a Mephisto-like character.
Movie Dementia

Meu Tio e o Joelho de Porco
Rafael Terpins
Rafael Terpins, Tico Terpins
Rafael embarks on a shabby blue Landau and crosses the city of São Paulo gathering truths and lies about the set of his uncle Tico, the already legendary proto-punk-satirical Knee of Porco.
My Punkle

O Bandido da Luz Vermelha
Rogério Sganzerla
Paulo Villaça, Helena Ignez
Born and raised in the misery of Brazilian slums, Jorge becomes a luxury house burglar in São Paulo and gets nicknamed "The Red Light Bandit" by the sensationalist press. In addition to wearing a red flashlight, he talks to his hostages in an irreverent tone and makes bold breakthroughs to later spend the money extravagantly. His world is the decadent neighbourhood of Boca do Lixo.
The Red Light Bandit

Longo Caminho da Morte
Júlio Calasso Jr.
Othon Bastos, Dionísio Azevedo
The life and death of Colonel Orestes, a decadent coffee farmer, spanning three generations between despair, hallucinations, and the help of three different wives. The city, the synthesis of modernization, definitively buries the oligarch making buildings on the ground that had previously made the character's prestige.
Long Way of Death

Olhos de Vampa
Walter Rogério
Marco Ricca, Washington Luis Gonzales
A beautiful woman is found dead, with a peach in her mouth, a bite in her butt and without blood in the body. When other women are found dead in the same modus-operandi, the police gives the nickname of "Vampa" to serial killer. Detective Leôncio is assigned to investigate the murder together with fetishist photographer Oscar. Without any lead, they decide to follow a sexy and popular night-club dancer on the streets of São Paulo, trying to identify possible suspects.
Olhos de Vampa

Nayara, A Mulher Gorila
Marta Nassar
Maura Baiocchi , Júlio Calasso Jr.
A sensationalist report is a parallel between a popular and a character in his process of transformation. "Thanks to Coffin Joe, Nayara is now on the left, over your heart, this body does not belong to you."
Nayara, A Mulher Gorila