Olga Khodatayeva
1894 - 1968Сестра советского мультипликатора Н. П. Ходатаева (1892—1979).
После окончания в 1918 году училища живописи, ваяния и зодчества в Москве, работала художником-оформителем, графиком.
В 1924 году пришла в мультипликацию, трудилась в коллективе мультмастерской при ГТК под руководством брата, позже на фабриках «Межрабпом-Русь», «Совкино» («Союзкино», «Мосфильм»).
С 1927 по 1932 год работала в творческом коллективе сестëр Валентины и Зинаиды Брумберг.
Участвовала в качестве соавтора мультипликационного оформления спектаклей «Про Дзюбу» и «Негритёнок и обезьяна» в театре под управлением Н. И. Сац (ныне Московский государственный академический детский музыкальный театр имени Н. И. Сац).
В 1936—1960 годах — режиссëр киностудии «Союзмультфильм». Была членом худсовета «Союзмультфильма».
Много лет сотрудничала с художником и режиссёром П. Н. Носовым.
С 1954 года работала совместно с Л. В. Аристовым.
Советская мультипликационная пропаганда
Anatoliy Karanovich, Youry Merkulov
Joan Borsten, Richard Harrison
A landmark four disc Box Set - Unearthed from Moscow's legendary Soyuzmultfilm Studios, the 41 films in ANIMATED SOVIET PROPAGANDA span sixty years of Soviet history (1924 - 1984), and have never been available before in the U.S.
Animated Soviet Propaganda

Zolotoe peryshko
Leonid Aristov, Olga Khodatayeva
Olga Khodataeva
Animation directed by Olga Khodataeva (1894 - 1968) Together with her brother Nikolai (1892 - 1979) and the Brumberg Sisters One of the founding mothers of Soviet animation. Her career stretched from 1924 till 1960. Little golden feathe was her swansong.
Zolotoe peryshko

Краденое солнце
Ivan Ivanov-Vano, Olga Khodatayeva
The sun is shining in the sky. Flowers are revealed, birds sing, animals take care of others. Only an evil crocodile who could not catch anyone, attacks the sun and swallows it. It is darkness. The animals in a panic run to the bear and ask to return the sun to the sky. The bear, who in the dark could not find the cubs, goes to war with the crocodile. The bear engages in battle, wins the crocodile and forces him to free the sun. Happy beasts rejoice in the sun and praise the bear.
The Stolen Sun

У страха глаза велики
Pyotr Nosov, Olga Khodatayeva
Grigoriy Shpigel, Yuliya Yulskaya
Soviet cartoon animated film on the Russian folk tale "Cat and the fox". As Lisa deceived the animals and took away the gifts, designed by Kotofei Ivanovich, issued by Fox for the new ruler of the forest. He was a black cat, he liked to eat sour cream, but did not catch mice. His master was angry with him, put him in a sack and threw it in the forest.
Fear Has Big Eyes

Новогодняя ночь
Pyotr Nosov, Olga Khodatayeva
Georgi Millyar, Valentina Sperantova
There are few days before the New Year. Father Frost goes for the Christmas tree in the forest. There he meets Wood Goblin, with whom they have a controversy about what is better: a carpet-plane or a real plane. As a result, Wood Goblin, of course, loses, because he is behind the times and for this he personally delivers the most beautiful Christmas tree with golden cones to the children.
New Year's Eve