Hans-Georg Rudolph
1908 - 1987Der Auftrag Höglers
Gustav von Wangenheim
Inge von Wangenheim, Fritz Tillmann
Хребет Луизен разделен не только рекой, но и границей зоны. Старый генеральный директор Хёглер по-прежнему проживает на западе, восточная часть экспроприирована и управляется главным инженером доктором Тельеном. Он работает над новым процессом производства стали, который абсолютно необходим Хёглеру. Средства Хёглера для достижения своей цели — взяточничество, шпионаж и клевета. Член профсоюза Мария Штайниц чуть не становится жертвой клеветы. Тем не менее, интрига разоблачена и преступные намерения Хёглера сорваны. На большом производственном собрании старый народный контролер Хуфленд разоблачает истинных виновных. Мария и Фриц Роттманн, профсоюзный деятель из Мюнхена, которые знают друг друга со времен антифашистского сопротивления, заключают объятия.
Der Auftrag Höglers

Die Sonnenbrucks
Georg C. Klaren
Eduard von Winterstein, Maly Delschaft
Professor Sonnenbruck is a scientist who is not particularly interested in politics. Even the meeting in 1943 with his former assistant Peters does not change him. He does not betray Peters, who has escaped from a concentration camp, but that is already enough for him. But after the war Sonnenrbruck gets into a conflict of conscience. He thought that science was finally free of politics again only to find the opposite happening at his university in Göttingen. A medical congress in the GDR brings him together with Peters, who is working on a major research contract there. Sonnenbruck decides to visit Peters.
The Sonnenbrucks

Der Rat der Götter
Kurt Maetzig
Fritz Tillmann, Paul Bildt
Based on the records of the Nuremberg trial of the chemical giant IG Farben; a story about the collaboration between international corporations and Nazi scientists, whose research contributed to the death of millions. The chemist Dr. Hans Scholz lives through a tortuous political transformation and maturation process. Eventually, he adopts political neutrality and closes his eyes to the fact that the poison being produced in his factory is being used in the extermination camps. Standing before the judges at the Nuremberg trials, he must face the fact that he is implicated in the deaths of millions in the gas chambers of the concentration camps.
Council of the Gods

Familie Benthin
Slatan Dudow, Richard Groschopp
Maly Delschaft, Harry Hindemith
The brothers Theo and Gustav Benthin pull profits through smuggling in divided Germany: Theo in the West and Gustav in the East. The East German police catch on quickly, however, and Gustav is arrested. The small band of smugglers disperses, with Gustav’s chauffer Peter Naumann fleeing to the West and his sister choosing the East after struggling to find work and lodging in the West.
The Benthin Family