Albert Hetterle
1918 - 2006Gefährliche Fracht
Gustav von Wangenheim
Willy A. Kleinau, Wilhelm Koch-Hooge
Американские военные приготовления целиком сконцентрированы в Западной Европе. В результате чего происходят постоянные поставки оружия западноевропейским странам. В одном из маленьких французских портовых городов корабль "Чикаго" с американским флагом не разгружается. У него на борту находится опасный груз-напалмовые бомбы. Французские докеры бастовали 3 месяца. Это была ожесточённая борьба, но они победили. Теперь в американской главной квартире во Франкфурте-на-Майне решается вопрос в какой гавани "Чикаго" освободится от своего груза...
Gefährliche Fracht

Ein Sommertag macht keine Liebe
Gerhard Klein, Herbert Ballmann
Christel Bodenstein, Helga Göring
During a weekend spent on the island Hiddensee, the snobbish high school student Jan, who has just been expelled from school, meets Christine. Christine is impressed with his bragging attitude although he just uses it to hide his insecurity and his remorse about the fact that he was sacked. Naturally, he keeps quiet about his current situation. Christine’s companion Hannes is less thrilled about Jan. Later on, the three of them meet again at a dockyard in Stralsund. After the disreputable end of his school career, Jan is assigned to the very brigade in which Christine and Hannes work as a crane operator and a brigadier respectively.
Ein Sommertag macht keine Liebe

Das Leben beginnt
Heiner Carow
Doris Abeßer, Erik Veldre
A new world full of excitement and temptation opens up for 18-year-old Erika when her father flees from Krüselin, a small village in Brandenburg, to West Berlin, taking his daughter with him. Her uncle's luxurious house, the turbulence of life in the big city, and her cousin's progressive thinking and quick wit all turn her head at first. But behind all this glitter and tinsel lurks the cold, hard world of money and Erika begins to feel homesick for the town where she grew up and for Rolf, her first real boyfriend.
Life Begins

Solange Leben in mir ist
Günter Reisch
Horst Schulze, Lyudmila Kasyanova
This is part one of a two-part biopic about Karl Liebknecht. In 1914, Germany is arming itself for war. Karl Liebknecht, left-wing revolutionary Social Democrat, workers’ leader and a virulent antimilitarist, is one among 110 SPD members of Parliament who vote against approving war loans. From then on, he is considered un-German and a traitor to the fatherland, and his own party’s leadership turns against him. Despite threats, Liebknecht speaks up against the war and writes the manifesto “The Main Enemy Is at Home.” Even when he is arrested and charged with treason, he does not surrender.
As Long as There’s Life in Me

Das zweite Gleis
Joachim Kunert
Albert Hetterle, Annekathrin Bürger
In this German drama, Brock, a railroad inspector, witnesses a robbery at a train depot. He recognizes the thief, but turning the man in would mean acknowledging he knows him, thus revealing his own complicity with the Nazi war machine. When Brock’s daughter and her boyfriend begin to question him about the incident, will the secret he’s kept for nearly 20 years finally be exposed?
The Second Track

Spur in die Nacht
Günter Reisch
Ulrich Thein, Eva-Maria Hagen
Никогда Улли не думал, что посещение гостиницы «Фуксбау» вовлечет его в водоворот страшных событий… В гостинице Улли узнал, что его подруга Сабина исчезла и причем самым таинственным образом. Она, по-видимому, находится в опасности, и его долг ей помочь. О народной полиции Улли был невысокого мнения. И потому он решился взяться за дело сам. Многое было подозрительно в «Фуксбау». Например, неизвестный человек в кожаной куртке. Везде, где, по мнению Улли, происходили таинственные события, появлялся и он. Один из посетителей гостиницы, толстый Леман, явно помогает человеку в кожаной куртке. Подозрительными были и ночные прогулки молодого доктора Майзеля. А тут еще господин Эшка со своим непроницаемым дружелюбием. Во всем этом надо разобраться. Так думал Улли. Но события внезапно принимают крутой оборот. Улли нападает на след…
The Track in the Night

Trotz alledem!
Günter Reisch
Horst Schulze, Lyudmila Kasyanova
October 1918: Karl Liebknecht is released from prison and Berlin workers celebrate his release. Although WWI is almost over, the German Kaiserreich in vain sends its last reserves to the slaughter. The working class is in a rebellious mood; the uprising of Kiel’s sailors against war and militarism sets off a call for revolution led by Liebknecht. On November 9, Liebknecht declares the Free Socialist Republic of Germany. But pro-Kaiser military and right wing Social Democrats oppose him.
Despite It All!

Einfach Blumen aufs Dach
Roland Oehme
Martin Trettau, Barbara Dittus
Mechanic Hannes Blaschke and his wife Maxi, who works as a bus driver, have just become happy parents of twins. Now they have a serious transportation problem: Their Trabant is far too small for the grown family that furthermore includes two sons and a dog. Thanks to the support of a state secretary and of his brigade, Hannes acquires a Tschaika – a limousine that is normally restricted to representational purposes – for a small price. Whereas Maxi views the state carriage only as a useful means of transportation, Hannes enjoys the unusual pre-emption he is receiving for the spectacular car. Hannes, who normally is just a humble guy, starts to grate his colleagues with his new affectations. Thus, they teach him an effective lesson: They decorate the state carriage with flowers and thus bring Hannes back down to earth in a humorous way.
Einfach Blumen aufs Dach

Lebende Ware
Wolfgang Luderer
Horst Schulze, Hannjo Hasse
In 1944, SS-Obersturmbannführer Becher arrives in Budapest in order to obtain material for the Waffen-SS. At the same time, he starts to gather private property by offering an insidious choice to the corporation′s Jewish majority shareholder, Dr. Chorin: Either Chorin assigns the company to Becker "on his own free will" – thereby obtaining the permission to travel abroad - or he his family will end up in an extermination camp.
Lebende Ware