Alessandro Gassmann
1965 (60 лет)Born in Rome, he is the son of actors Vittorio Gassman and Juliette Mayniel.
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Lodovico Gasparini
Alessandro Gassman, Angèle Osinsky
The young, sickly girl Bernadette comes from a poverty-stricken family. When the Virgin Mary appears to her in a cavern near Lourdes, no one takes the girl seriously, even when she digs up a wellspring at the Virgin's instructions The local authorities even try to hush up the entire incident. In vain, however, because when Empress Eugénie requests water from the spring for her sickly son, they are forced to acquiesce. And even the local priest is finally convinced. While taking his tuberculosis-stricken fiancé Claire to a sanatorium, the young doctor Henri Guillaumet meets Bernadette. The water from Lourdes' spring heals Claire's disease overnight, but the scientist in Henri doubts the miracle and wants to expose Bernadette as a liar. It is not until Henri again meets Bernadette, who has in the meantime become a nun and works as a nurse, that he finds a way to balance belief and modern science. And his love for Claire is strengthened as well.

A Season of Giants
Jerry London
F. Murray Abraham, Mark Frankel
Микеланджело Буонарроти (1475 — 1564), гений, чье имя стало символом эпохи Возрождения. Его жизнь была полна взлетов и падений, трагедий и любви. Он знал, что такое нищета, отчаяние, одиночество. И что такое — медные трубы всеобщего восхищения. Никчемный каменотес, как называл его родной отец, не понимавший одержимого стремления юного Микеланджело посвятить себя искусству, стал величайшим скульптором и живописцем (а еще — архитектором, поэтом и мыслителем). Давид, Пьета в соборе святого Петра в Ватикане, фрески Сикстинской капеллы… Разве можно представить нашу жизнь без этих удивительных и прекрасных произведений? Этот фильм переносит нас в Рим и Флоренцию конца XV — начала XVI веков и погружает в драматичнейший период истории Италии.
A Season of Giants

Steam: The Turkish Bath
Ferzan Özpetek
Alessandro Gassman, Francesca D'Aloja
Francesco and Marta run a husband-and-wife design company in Rome. When Francesco's aunt dies in Instanbul he travels there to sort out the hamam turkish steam bath that she left him. He finds a love and warmth in his realtives' Instanbul home that is missing from his life in Italy.
Steam: The Turkish Bath

Cinderella the Cat
Marino Guarnieri, Alessandro Rak
Massimiliano Gallo, Maria Pia Calzone
Cenerentola struggles to escape the shadow and evil schemes of her stepmother and six stepsisters who all live aboard the Megaride, a ship stuck in the port of a decaying future Naples.
Cinderella the Cat

Un bambino di nome Gesú
Franco Rossi
Matteo Bellina, Bekim Fehmiu
The film attempts to fill in the "missing years" of Jesus, from ages 3 through 12. When King Herod fearing that the Messiah has indeed been born, orders that all Hebrew male children under the age of three be slain, Joseph moves his family near Egypt. Here, Jesus, sensing His divinity, expresses a desire to return to Nazareth. Travelling homeward with His mother Mary, Jesus flashes forward to events that will unfold in his adult life.
A Child Called Jesus

Quiet Chaos
Antonello Grimaldi
Nanni Moretti, Alessandro Gassman
Pietro is a successful businessman with a wife and a daughter. One day he helps his brother save two women from drowning at the beach. When he returns home he finds that his wife has died. Now Pietro has to take care of his daughter, Claudia. When he drives her to school soon after, he decides to wait for her all day in front of the school, and soon that's what he does every day.
Quiet Chaos

Il silenzio grande
Alessandro Gassman
Massimiliano Gallo, Margherita Buy
Villa Primic was once a luxurious home. Now in disrepair, the Primic family home is up for sale by the owner, Rose, and her two heirs, Massimiliano and Adele. The head of the family, Valerio, is vehemently opposed to this. The reunion is going to be complicated...
The Great Silence