Lindsay Ellis
1984 (41 год)The Making of a Superhero Musical
Reuben Baron
James Aaronson, Peggy Ahwesh
A mockumentary following the troubled production of Clockmen: The Musical, focusing on a cosplayer-turned-actress who reacts to the stress of the production in a rather unusual way.
The Making of a Superhero Musical
The A-Word
Lindsay Ellis
Lindsay Ellis, Aspen Baker
In the fall of 2009, Lindsay Ellis, a 26-year old graduate student, went through the painful process of having an abortion. “The A-Word” follows Ellis as she opens up to her family and organizations from both sides of the debate, in search of healing. This is not a film about the protests and debates wrapped up in religious views and political agenda, but rather a personal journey about one woman’s struggle to shed the stigma attached to the A-word in hopes of starting a dialogue.
The A-Word
No Womb at the Inn
Lindsay Ellis
This is a short documentary that aims to explore the gamut of emotions that both women and men go through after abortions in America, and how the current political atmosphere affects them. The objective of this film is not to put a moral label on abortion, “right” or “wrong”, but open a dialogue. We intend to focus on the experiences, the reasons behind people's silence on the personal aspects of the subject, and explore how people integrate the experience into their lives. Our film focuses particularly on the director trying to reconcile the complex and intense emotions following her abortion, as well as the idea that it's impossible to understand how you would react in that situation until you find yourself in it.
No Womb at the Inn