Karel Smyczek
1950 (74 года)The White Dove
František Vláčil
Kateřina Irmanovová, Karel Smyczek
A poetic film about a dove getting lost on its way to Prague getting shot down by a paralyzed boy. An artist who finds the dove becomes friends with the boy. Together they take care of it bringing it back to recovery.
The White Dove

Ruffiano and Sweeteeth
Karel Smyczek
Jiří Strach, Barbora Seidlová
Знаменитый разбойник Лотрандо решает выучить сына хорошим манерам и наукам, воспитав его в хорошем католическом пансионе. Старший Лотрандо хочет сделать важным господином младшего Лотрандо, но попадает в переделку. Шайку приходится возглавить молодому Лотрандо… Но ничего у него не получается — слишком воспитанным и вежливым он стал. А тут в Сулейманском султанстве заболела дочь государя. Доктора не могут помочь принцессе Зубейду. Горе — разбойник Лотрандо и его приятель-дровосек случайно попадают в эту страну. Нерадивые слуги султана приняли их за докторов. Удастся ли самозваным докторам излечить девушку?
Ruffiano and Sweeteeth

Snowdrops and Aces
Karel Smyczek
Václav Kopta, Jan Antonín Duchoslav
A quarter century after the release of the original film, this sequel brings us a drama about platonic love, life retrospective and memories. Former schoolmates meet again in the mountains and it turns out they have not changed much. Even though so many years have passed, we can still see the souls of boys and girls we know from the teenage comedy Snowdrops and Aces; kids who participated in that legendary skiing course. Its nostalgic humour gives the film a bitter-sweet touch. Thawing Out follows the lives of the main heroes during a period of great changes. How did they manage to escape the traps and what scars have they suffered? Where did they want to go, how far have they got and what is still in front of them?
Snowdrops and Aces

Karel Smyczek
Jiří Langmajer, Jan Potměšil
Why? (Czech: Proč?) is a 1987 Czechoslovak drama film directed by Karel Smyczek. It was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1988 Cannes Film Festival. The film deals with the hooliganism in Czechoslovakia, particularly with the fans of football club Sparta from Prague, whose supporters were the pioneers of the football fan riots in Czechoslovakia, starting with hooligan actions already in the 1960s, like breaking the trains in which they travelled when they went on Sparta's away games. The film deals with one of such episodes

Landscape with Furniture
Karel Smyczek
Vladimír Javorský, Yvetta Kornová
The story of a music academy student Zdenek, who meets a charming girl, and without realizing also gets a son with her. Dealing with such a situation is not easy, especially when one day the child's mother disappears. Twenty year old Zdenek faces a serious decision. Although he is aware that a child may endanger his studies and perhaps even future career, he refuses to entrust him to the care of the state institution.
Landscape with Furniture

Angel 2
Jiří Strach
Ivan Trojan, Jiří Dvořák
A story that takes place during Advent, we'll meet again with your favorite pair angel Petronel and devil Urias. Their eternal wrangling causes the rare apple from the tree of the knowledge to roll on earth. And that God is really angry. Petronel with Urias find themselves in a small Czech town on the eve of the feast of St. Nicholas. And after a series of human and "divine" tests our heroes eventually find that the path to knowledge leads primarily through self discovery through the strength of friendship, love and forgiveness skills.
Angel 2

Pražákům, těm je hej
Karel Smyczek, Michael Kocáb
Michael Kocáb, Michal Pavlíček
The story begins in 1984 in Prague, Czechoslovakia, few years before the end of Communist era. The band Pražský výběr (Prague's selection) has just received the news thier 5-year ban has expired and they are alowed to perform once again. This half fantasy half document about the band would draw the atmosphere of middle european late Communist era and the eufory of it's end.
Pražákům, těm je hej

Holky z porcelánu
Juraj Herz
Míla Myslíková, Marie Rosůlková
The fifteen year old Maruska (Lenka Korínková) starts as a new staff in the porcelain warehouse. For the boss Svetla (Míla Myslíková) it is the last straw. She asked to extend her staff consisting of four girls and a retired lady by a man, not a child. The kind and ever fussy Svetla, battling in vain with overweight decides to leave her position and to take another one in the office. As soon as she finds out that the position will be taken by Arnost Jarolím (Josef Langmiler), she insists on a hand over inventory.
Girls from a Porcelain Factory

Na Žižkově válečném voze
Milan Vošmik
Josef Filip, Jan Kraus
Widowed yeoman Tuma and his household are on their way to help the town of Kourim, which is under attack by the papist troops. His son Ondra is secretly following his father. Miksík the castellan, who is responsible for Ondra, finds himself forced to set off after the boy. They are both captured by soldiers from Kutná Hora. Miksík sacrifices himself to give Ondra a chance to flee. On the way, Ondra runs into the orphan Sulík. The two boys become friends and begin to wander together.
On Zizka's Battle Waggon

Zpívající pudřenka
Milan Vošmik
Václav Venhoda, František Maxián
По книге Сватоплука Грнчиржа о приключениях трех друзей - Робинзона, Петра и Ирки, страстных любителей детективов и кино. Решив создать свой кинофильм, ребята начали снимать все, что считают интересным. Однажды их внимание привлек человек, сидящий на скамейке в парке и с кем-то разговаривающий, хотя кругом не было ни души. Ребята стали наблюдать за подозрительным и снимали все, что его касалось. Их съемки помогли спасти ценное изобретение, за которым охотились враги.
Zpívající pudřenka