Isabelle Clarke
1960 (64 года)Institute of Audiovisual (IDA, Paris, direction Antoine de La Garanderie)
Coming from a family of photographers and portraitists (Studio Endrey), she works for Isa Vidéo, wedding films, ceremonies, commercials, institutional films, videos, fashion, etc. Magazines (30 million friends, meanwhile).
From Wikipedia (fr), the free encyclopedia
La traque des Nazis
Isabelle Clarke, Daniel Costelle
Mathieu Kassovitz
For the first time, a film recounts the story of the long pursuit of Nazis in hiding from 1945 to the present day. Sixty years of investigations, set-backs trials and dramas, brought about principally by three extraordinary individuals—the Austrian Simon Wiesenthal, and the German-French couple, Beate and Serge Klarsfeld.
Hunting Down the Nazis

La blessure - La tragédie des Harkis
Isabelle Clarke, Daniel Costelle
Saïd Taghmaoui
It's the unforgivable story of the two hundred thousands harkis, the Arabs who fought alongside the French in the bitter Algerian war, from 1954 to 1962. Why did they make that choice? Why were they slaughtered after Algeria's independence? Why were they abandonned by the French government? Some fifty to sixty thousands were saved and transferred in France, often at pitiful conditions. This is for the first time, the story of this tragedy, told in the brilliant style of the authors of "Apocalypse".
An Unhealed Wound - The Harkis in the Algerian War

Capitulation, the Final Hours that Ended World War II
Isabelle Clarke, Daniel Costelle
Eric Viellard
A film made of archives mostly unknown, on the last day of the Second World War in Europe and on the events which preceded it. This film also shows the growing tension between the Allies and the Soviets at the time: May 8, 1945 is also the first day of the Cold War.
Capitulation, the Final Hours that Ended World War II

L'Occupation intime
Isabelle Clarke, Daniel Costelle
Anouchka Delon, Alain Delon
June 14, 1940. The German Army marches into Paris. France is an occupied country. Through exclusive amateur footage, personal stories, and popular songs from the time, this fi lm recounts life with the enemy during the occupation, as seen by the French... and the Germans! Despite the Nazis and the troubled war times, day-to-day life in occupied France went on. People learnt to live with the rationing, the cues, the curfew... Many try to forget the hard times, mainly thanks to the movies in which big stars provide a little dream and lead a privileged life. These stars don't actually collaborate, butadapt and give the impression of normal life during the war. After all, is it necessarily shameful to shake the hand of an enemy?
An Intimate History of Occupation

Lindbergh, l'aigle solitaire
Isabelle Clarke, Daniel Costelle
Daniel Costelle
An exceptional documentary which presents, for the first time colorized archives, on Charles Lindbergh's life, the hero of the first crossing of the Atlantic Ocean on May 21, 1927. A travel aboard the Spirit of St. Louis thanks to the magic of computer animation helps us to understand what he was able to feel during his crazy crossing. The fate of a man whose restless life reserves us many surprises: his membership in masonry, his relationship with the Nazi regime, his double even triple life...
Charles Lindbergh in Colour

Les Ailes des héros
Isabelle Clarke, Daniel Costelle
Bernard Giraudeau
It is the epic of the heroes of the first century of aviation, since the flight of the first plane on December 17, 1903 until today. A striking collection of portraits of outstanding men and women like Louis Blériot, the first to cross the Channel, to Lindbergh who crossed the Atlantic and Amelia Earhart and many more... (colorised).
Wings of the Fame

Amour et sexe sous l'Occupation
Isabelle Clarke
Anouchka Delon
Love & Sex under Nazi Occupation questions the burning mystery of intimate heterosexual and homosexual relations in times of war... and shows how being close to death reinforces the yearning for passion, for pleasure, for transgression, for desire as a last burst of freedom, as an ultimate call to life. Nearly two hundred thousands children are thought to be born of the union of French women with German soldiers. Women weren't the Germans' only conquests; indeed, occupied Paris swarms with all kinds of homosexuals—from Genet to Cocteau—who treated with the occupier. The fate of those women who were shaved at the end of the war for fraternizing with Germans is the punishment of a France that lied down and slept with the enemy.
Love and Sex under Nazi Occupation

Eva Braun, dans l'intimité d'Hitler
Isabelle Clarke, Daniel Costelle
Richard Berry, Adolf Hitler
«Я не обещаю вам счастья, но о вашей любви будет говорить весь мир», — предсказала гадалка юной Еве Браун. Все сбылось. Возлюбленным Евы Браун стал человек, который начал Вторую мировую войну. Его звали Адольф Гитлер. Документальный фильм о истории любви обычной немецкой девушки и фюрера — «отца нации». Отношения Евы Браун и Адольфа Гитлера продолжались пятнадцать лет, в декорациях расцвета и краха германской империи, Второй мировой войны и гибели миллионов людей.
Eva Braun, dans l'intimité d'Hitler

Dawn of the Nazis
Isabelle Clarke
Salvatore Vecchio, Adolf Hitler
How Germany was when its people entered the nightmare of World War II? Despair and fear lead a hungry population to follow the chilling call of just one man to world domination. A real-life horror story, an ominous tale of violence and deception, which takes place from 1919 to 1934. (Entirely made up of restored, colorized archival footage.)
Dawn of the Nazis

Chirurgien dans la guerre d'Algérie
Isabelle Clarke
Daniel Costelle
Has everything really been said about the Algerian war? Although the archives are opening up, almost fifty years after the signing of the Evian Agreements (March 18, 1962), direct witnesses are beginning to disappear. They are, however, unique bearers of history, often the only ones able to illustrate the harsh reality of a long-hidden period. Gérard Zwang, surgeon of the contingent between May 1956 and June 1958, is one of these essential witnesses who help us discover an original history of the Algerian War. During his service, in charge of treating the most atrocious wounds of his fellow soldiers, he sees the war from the side of its victims. He did not fight with a machine pistol in his hand, but behind the closed doors of an operating room where life gives way to death in a matter of seconds.
Surgeon during the Algerian War