Jan Batory
1921 - 1981A Cure for Love
Jan Batory
Kalina Jędrusik, Krystyna Sienkiewicz
An architect Joanna tells her friend Halina on the telephone about her love troubles and suddenly hears a nice man's voice: "The best cure for love is another love." Then she becomes a forgers dispatcher mistaken for Honorata by telephone and decides to work out a forgers secret and the secret of her new love Andrzej.
A Cure for Love

Con Amore
Jan Batory
Malgorzata Snopkiewicz, Joanna Szczepkowska
Andrzej and Grzegorz are students of Warsaw Conservatory and preparing for the International Piano Competition. Eva - a beautiful Grzegorz's girlfriend is seriously ill, the doctors suspect she has brain cancer. Even for the sake of health and life of his beloved Grzegorz disagrees to miss even a single day of preparation for the contest. Andrzej has a girlfriend Zosia (the daughter of a professor of music), but the young pianist falls in love with Grzegorz's girlfriend and takes care of the sick Eve.
Con Amore

Zapach psiej siersci
Jan Batory
Izabella Dziarska, Boris Arabow
Sculptor Paul travels to the Black Sea resort. There he meets a German student of Slavic studies, Heidi, with whom he starts a romantic affair. They live in the campsite. He does not take this relationship seriously, but for the girl Paul is the first great love. Soon he accidentally discovers an illicit drug trafficking. Without a second thought, he takes the opportunity to get more cash - he takes over the goods and demands a ransom gang of twenty thousand dollars. Heidi then disappears...
Smell of the Dog's Fur

O dwóch takich, co ukradli ksiezyc
Jan Batory
Lech Kaczynski, Jaroslaw Kaczynski
Twin brothers, Jacek and Placek, are the town's troublemakers. They're lazy, greedy and also cruel. They despise hard work, so they cook up a plan to make easy money that would make them rich for the rest of their lives: steal the moon and sell it. They set on a journey to find a place where the moon would be low enough for them to steal. Before they leave, they take the last loaf of bread from their poor hardworking mother. After numerous adventures the boys manage to catch the moon in a fishing net. But it is only the beginning of their troubles.
The Two Who Stole the Moon

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Henryk Hechtkopf, Jan Batory
Janusz Bylczyński, Stanisław Milski
1650 год. Молодой шляхтич Александр Костка Наперский едет в Пцимь на встречу с Радоцким, пользующимся авторитетом среди местного крестьянского населения. В корчме Наперский становится свидетелем истязания крестьянина и встаёт на его защиту, чем восстанавливает против себя местную шляхту. В Пциме Наперский рассказывает крестьянам о восстании Хмельницкого, которое вспыхнуло на Украине. Уговаривает крестьян также поднять бунт в Подгалье и прогнать шляхту. Крестьяне поддаются его уговорам и начинают мятеж. Повстанцы добиваются успеха и занимают замок в Чорштыне. В течение нескольких дней восстание охватило всю область Подгалье, а затем и другие регионы. Вскоре войска, собранные краковским епископом П. Гембицким, начинают подавление бунта и осаду замка...
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