William Nolan
2021The Plumber
Walter Lantz, William Nolan
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Walter Lantz Production #496. Released January 16, 1933. Directed by “Bill” Nolan. Animated by Ray Abrams, Fred Avery, “Bill” Weber, Jack Carr, and Don Williams. Music by James Dietrich.... and yeah, Oswald is a Plumber in this one.
The Plumber

Walter Lantz, William Nolan
The mortgage is due by 6 p.m. or Grandma and Oswald will lose the homestead. Oswald is forced to take the beloved old milk cow to market. On the way, he's accosted by a scary old witch. She wants the cow and gives Oswald a bag of magic beans in exchange. The beans grow into a huge beanstalk which transports Oswald to a giant ogre's castle in the clouds.

William Nolan
The animals on Oswald the Rabbit's farm couldn't be happier with their work. The hens, in particular, enjoy their jobs as egg producers. True, a hen gets a bit anxious when her egg is too small or when she can't lay anything. But on the whole, times are good. That changes when a specter by the name of Depression rises from the dump and travels the globe spreading fear and panic. The Great Depression has begun and has poisoned the entire country, including Oswald's farm. Now, the roosters are listless and the chickens flop around in a daze. Oswald runs to the doctor for help. But Dr. Pill points to a poster of the President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. "There's your doctor!" he declares. Soon, Oswald is in the White House, knocking down the Vice President in his haste to see FDR. Roosevelt sings "Confidence" and gives the rabbit a generous supply.

Grandma's Pet
Walter Lantz, William Nolan
After reading the story of Little Red Riding Hood to three kittens in a cradle, Oswald the Rabbit goes to sleep thinking about the girl heroine. In his dream, he sees the girl pass by and decides to pick a couple of flowers for her. But the stems are impossibly long, and no matter how much he pulls, they just get longer and longer. Meanwhile, a wolf, craving the girl's basket of goodies, pulls the wool off a nearby sheep and disguises himself in it. As a bogus sheep, he asks questions of the girl. She reveals she is going to grandma's house. Soon, the wolf is at grandma's door. The old woman is so frightened, she swallows her harmonica. The wolf stores her in the icebox, promising to eat her later. By the time the girl arrives, the wolf has disguised himself as the old woman. Oswald eventually comes to the rescue. But the wolf finds a magic wand inside the basket of goodies and uses it to put Oswald on top of a construction site.
Grandma's Pet