Jan Jakub Kolski
1956 (69 лет)Jańcio Wodnik
Jan Jakub Kolski
Franciszek Pieczka, Bogusław Linda
On the road wandering minstrel finds a mare, which, upholstered and sickly, is dying. He buries mare and casts a curse in the village where the animal was tortured. In the village lives Jańcio, a philosopher, a man loving life and his young wife, Weronka. Jańcio lives in harmony with God and is not expecting that he will be put to the test by him. He is convinced he has the power to make miracles. He leaves his pregnant wife, and goes to see the world, promising to return before the due date.
Johnnie Waterman

Pogrzeb kartofla
Jan Jakub Kolski
Franciszek Pieczka, Adam Ferency
Set in 1946, the film tells a story of a Polish villager returning home after years in a concentration camp. Mateusz is an old-timer, a saddler, who finds nothing but hostility when he makes it home after years away. He is not a Jew, though the villagers brand him one and give him a hard time. They feel guilty about the death of his son at the end of the war, and don't want the father around. In the background: beginnings of the Communist regime in Poland.
Burial of a Potato

History of Cinema in Popielawy
Jan Jakub Kolski
Krzysztof Majchrzak, Bartosz Opania
The story is narrated by ten-year old Staszek, who writes in his diary about his school-friend Jozef. Jozef comes from a family of blacksmiths, all of whom bear the name Jozef. Since he is the sixth consecutive son to be called Jozef, he is nicknamed Szustek (meaning "sixth one").
History of Cinema in Popielawy

Jan Jakub Kolski
Janusz Gajos, Grażyna Błęcka-Kolska
The peaceful world of a monastery, in a small town Jasmine, is destroyed by the arrival of monument restorers, Natasha, along with her daughter Eugenia. The legend associated with the monastery bode revelation in him a saint in the near future. Despite initial reluctance, Natasha starts the maintenance of the image stored there. The secrets of the monastery are unraveled: the unhappy lovers bodies placed in the catacombs, the secret elixir of love, created with the smell of the monks.

Jan Jakub Kolski
Mariusz Saniternik, Grażyna Błęcka-Kolska
Pograbek is a village philosopher with an unconventional way of looking at things. He is planning on buying a child since he cannot have one due to his infertility. However, the woman that promised him one has changed her mind, and now the provincial gigolo is trying to make his wife pregnant.

Szabla od komendanta
Jan Jakub Kolski
Bronisław Pawlik, Franciszek Pieczka
В небольшой польской деревне живут четверо старых друзей, служивших когда-то кавалеристами в Легионах Пилсудского. Живут себе, поживают, вспоминая дела минувших дней и давно пропитые награды за отвагу, полученные от самого Коменданта. Только самый старший из них, Якубек, бережно хранит свою — саблю. С ней он и просит друзей похоронить его и серьёзно готовится к переходу в мир иной. Но Апостол Пётр не пускает героя трёх войн в Рай с саблей, а сам Комендант, вышедший на шум, приказывает ему повернуть назад, напомнив о присяге — перед смертью передать саблю внуку, в честь священной традиции польских легионеров. Но вот беда — внуков у Якубека нет, потому что его единственный сын, ботаник, интересуется не женщинами, а только учёбой и выведением гигантских сливогруш, в надежде побить рекорды Мичурина и Лысенко и высадить морозостойкие саженцы на Северном полюсе. Поэтому четыре кавалериста берут на себя задачу женить ничего не подозревающего Янечка, даже против его воли.
Szabla od komendanta

Serce, Serduszko
Jan Jakub Kolski
Marcin Dorociński, Marysia Blandzi
A story, warm and full of humor, about Maszenka, an 11-year-old girl from an orphanage in the Bieszczady Mountains who loves ballet. The first stage on her road to fulfilling her dream is the entrance exam to the ballet school in Gdansk. To make it there in time, she escapes from the orphanage, taking newly hired educator Kordula with her. They travel all the way across Poland, hiding from the police and meeting people who help them in need.
The Heart and Sweetheart

Afonia i pszczoły
Jan Jakub Kolski
Grażyna Błęcka-Kolska, Mariusz Saniternik
Afonia's husband is an ex-boxer, an ex-inmate of a Nazi concentration camp and almost ex-living person as he is paralyzed after an accident. Her daughter is already married. And although Afonia's name is Russian, she is Polish. The only thing both heroines share is love to another strong, handsome and addictive man. A Russian man.
Afonia i pszczoły