Max Neufeld
1887 - 1967Der Balletterzherzog. Ein Wiener Spiel von Tanz und Liebe
Max Neufeld
Richard Waldemar, Albert Paulig
The Arch-Duke Herr Sixtus especially cares for Arts and particularly for young ballet students. The same is true of the Arch-Duke A.D.C., Herr Count Paul Paladin who shares with the Arch-Duke a special affection for Frau Elisa Jenkins, a young ballet student. Unexpectedly and thanks to a misunderstanding involving Frau Elisa and the Arch-Duke, the young student will become the new Prima Ballerina of the "Wiener Staatsoper".
Der Balletterzherzog. Ein Wiener Spiel von Tanz und Liebe

Eine Nacht im Grandhotel
Max Neufeld
Mártha Eggerth, Ulrich Bettac
Fritz is in love with artist Glay, who stays at the Grand Hotel. In spite of not having any money he gets to know her, invites her to supper and after dancing a tango even hires the royal suite. How will he get out of this is a mystery even to himself.
One Night at the Grand Hotel