Miloslav Šmídmajer
1959 (65 лет)Milan Kundera: Od Žertu k bezvýznamnosti
Miloslav Šmídmajer
Milan Kundera, V. Hrabánková
The brilliant Czech writer Milan Kundera has not given an interview in thirty years; nor does he appear in public. How did he become a legendary author? What is so unique about his books?
Milan Kundera: From the Joke to Insignificance

Probudím se včera
Miloslav Šmídmajer
Jiří Mádl, Eva Josefíková
Czech teacher Peter experiences journey into the past to late 80´s to recover his true love Eliška. At present he´s nothing but relationship´s loser so he tries to find his true love at least at the past. During his journey he passes not just through relationship´s problem but thanks to his radical opinions also encounters problems with communists, even if he knows already from the future that totalitarian regime won´t last forever.
Waking Up Yesterday

Celebrity s.r.o.
Miloslav Šmídmajer
Jiří Mádl, Monika Horváthová
The comedy unfolds in the attractive environs of the never-ending filming of a TV series. The performance opens up with wonderful interplay of relationships, characters, situations, conflicts, big hopes and ambitious plans interwoven with a love motif. At the end of this bizarre story we are surprised by the harmony created from the discord of authentic human emotions.
Celebrity Ltd.