J. Gordon Edwards
1867 - 1925The She Devil
J. Gordon Edwards
Theda Bara, Alan Roscoe
Lolette an exotic and spirited peasant girl lives In the small Spanish village of Juanguera . Although ardently courted by the native swains, and particularly a bandit called The Tiger, Lolette prefers Maurice Tabor, a French artist who has come to Juanguera to paint. Because he refuses to take her to Paris, Lolette accepts a gift of stolen jewels from The Tiger and follows Maurice to France.
The She Devil

The Soul of Buddha
J. Gordon Edwards
Theda Bara, Victor Kennard
Theda Bara plays a Javanese priestess who elopes with an English military officer (Hugh Thompson). Bara's Bavahari becomes a celebrated dancer but is murdered onstage by a vengeful Buddhist priest (Victor Kennard).
The Soul of Buddha

Drag Harlan
J. Gordon Edwards
William Farnum, Jackie Saunders
William Farnum is Drag Harlan, a tough cowboy vigilante. After learning about a gold mine from a dying man, he seeks his daughter (Jackie Saunders) as well as the gold. He falls in love with her, but the same gang that shot the old man is after the gold.
Drag Harlan

Madame Du Barry
J. Gordon Edwards
Theda Bara, Charles Clary
After Jeanette becomes the mistress of the ambitious Jean du Barry, he marries her off to one of his cousins so that she has an entre to the royal court. She soon becomes the favorite of the King and Jean du Barry becomes a regular around the court too. But all this is disturbed when Madame du Barry falls for Conte Brissac of the King's Guard. Jean du Barry's attempts to expose her affair only get him banished from the court.
Madame du Barry

When a Woman Sins
J. Gordon Edwards
Theda Bara, Josef Swickard
Lilian is engaged to an older man in poor health when she meets his son Michael, whom she falls for. Due to a misunderstanding between the two, Lilian leaves after her fiance's death. Years later, Lilian becomes known around town for her "loose morals," but what happens when she runs into Michael again?
When a Woman Sins

J. Gordon Edwards
Theda Bara, G. Raymond Nye
Palestine, under the rule of Rome. Salome, daughter of Herodias and both niece and stepdaughter of King Herod, becomes infatuated with the prophet John the Baptist, who publicly denounces the depravity of the royal family and proclaims the arrival of a new messiah. (Film presumed lost.)

The Vixen
J. Gordon Edwards
Theda Bara, Herbert Heyes
In this lost film, Theda Bara took the role of spoiled, deceiving nymphomaniac "vixen" Elsie Drummond. She wooed Wall Street businessman Martin Stevens (A. H. Van Buren) away from his interest in her sweet sister Helen (Mary G. Martin). She continued to seek after rich men, eventually marrying young statesman Knowles Murray (Herbert Heyes) (again stolen from Helen) - but still willing to be unfaithful with Stevens who had since regained his fortune. (filmsite.org)
The Vixen