Jamie Blanks
2021Not Quite Hollywood
Mark Hartley
Phillip Adams, Glory Annen
As Australian cinema broke through to international audiences in the 1970s through respected art house films like Peter Weir's "Picnic At Hanging Rock," a new underground of low-budget exploitation filmmakers were turning out considerably less highbrow fare. Documentary filmmaker Mark Hartley explores this unbridled era of sex and violence, complete with clips from some of the scene's most outrageous flicks and interviews with the renegade filmmakers themselves.
Not Quite Hollywood

Silent Number
Jamie Blanks
Bronwyn Jones, John Brumpton
A young woman takes a babysitting job during a bad thunderstorm. She begins to receive frightening phone calls from a young boy who claims he needs help. It seems that the boy's abusive father has locked him up somewhere, and he can't get out. The woman calls the police so they can trace the boy's call, and then they all learn the shocking truth about the boy's whereabouts.
Silent Number

Long Weekend
Jamie Blanks
Джеймс Кэвизел, Claudia Karvan
Peter and Carla, a couple whose marriage is faltering, decide to go on a camping weekend. When they become lost, the pair sets up camp on a remote beach that doesn't seem to be on any map. At first the trip is the romantic getaway they imagined – then slowly things begin to go wrong. After Peter disrespects the unspoiled habitat, it seems as if the surroundings are exacting revenge on the couple, as insects, animals, and then nature itself become the enemy.
Long Weekend