Caruth C. Byrd
Gary Nelson
Glenn Ford, Michael Burns
Jody Deakes joins up with his father after many years, just to discover that his dad is part of an outlaw gang on the run from a relentless bounty hunter named Santee. Jody is orphaned soon after Santee catches up to the gang, and follows Santee in hopes of taking vengeance for his father's death. Instead, however, Jody discovers that Santee is a good and loving man, tormented by the death of his young son at the hands of another outlaw gang. Santee and his wife take Jody in and a father and son relationship begins to grow. Then the gang that shot Santee's son shows up. The film was produced by Edward Platt of Get Smart fame. It was one of the first motion pictures to be shot electronically on videotape and then transferred to film.

Hollywood High Part II
Lee Thornburg, Caruth C. Byrd
Nicole Scent, Donna Lynn
It's another year at Hollywood High and the students are upholding the standards of their school. It's the end of the semester and finals are near, but that doesn't stop the girls of Hollywood High from having fun. From the pool to the beach, they cavort with their boyfriends, drink, and smoke a joint or two. But the fun stops when a teacher keeps one of the guys after school for some personal tutoring.
Hollywood High Part II