Semyon Aranovich
1934 - 1995Torpedo Bombers
Semyon Aranovich
Rodion Nahapetov, Aleksei Zharkov
In 1944 a Soviet marine air force unit stationed near Murmansk is fighting off the German bombers attacking the British navy convoys supplying the Soviet Union with war materials under the lend-lease agreement.
Torpedo Bombers

Дмитрий Шостакович. Альтовая соната
Semyon Aranovich, Aleksandr Sokurov
Tamara Alyoshina, Sergei Prokofiev
Banned by Soviet authorities when it was first completed, this requiem for Russian composer and pianist Dmitri Shostakovich pays homage to the remarkable works and difficult path of the influential artist. Through personal documents, performances and archival footage, this emotional study charts Shostakovich's turbulent life, from his early success to his disgrace under Stalin and his eventual embrace as one of his country's most gifted talents.
Dmitri Shostakovich. Sonata for Viola

Год собаки
Semyon Aranovich
Inna Churikova, Igor Sklyar
Former criminal Sergei meets Vera - an elderly unhappy woman who lives in a dormitory. After Sergei commits another crime, they run together and along the way they accidentally get into a zone contaminated by radiation. Sergei decides to stay there, but Vera does not leave him. At that moment three looters come to the territory.
The Year of the Dog

Я служил в охране Сталина, или Опыт документальной мифологии
Semyon Aranovich
Joseph Stalin, Fyodor F. Feodorovsky
This controversial documentary created a storm in Russia by taking the cloak off a violent, repressive period of Soviet history. Filmmaker Semyon Aranovich found the last surviving personal bodyguard of Joseph Stalin, Alexey Robin, who began working for the dictator in the 1930s.
I Was Stalin's Bodyguard

...И другие официальные лица
Semyon Aranovich
Lev Durov, Aleksandr Galibin
Торговое соглашение между западной нефтяной компанией и советскими промышленниками под угрозой срыва. Глава иностранной делегации неожиданно требует замены нашего представителя на переговорах. Он не забыл, чем закончилась их последняя встреча…
...И другие официальные лица

Сломанная подкова
Semyon Aranovich
Sergei Yursky, Marina Neyolova
По мотивам повести Жюля Верна "Драма в Лифляндии". Французский аэронавт Жюль Ардан, путешествуя на воздушном шаре, случайно оказывается в Ревеле. Здесь он знакомится с доктором Петерсоном и его дочерью Лейдой. За женихом Лейды охотятся жандармы. В городе происходит убийство сына банкира. Подозрение падает на Петерсона. За расследование преступления берется Жюль Ардан.
Slomannaya Podkova

Сорок шагов
Semyon Aranovich
Movie-lesson observations in the classroom teacher of the Leningrad Conservatory honored artist of the RSFSR N..The Serval. Forty physical steps from the Leningrad Conservatory to the Kirov (Mariinsky) theatre - the way of the artist, overcome, physically and emotionally exhausting rehearsals. Great camera work.
Forty Steps