Shim Hyung-rae
1958 (67 лет)무적의 파이터 우뢰매
Lee Han-Yeol
Sim Hyeong-Rae, Yang Jong-Cheol
An alien villain, who has returned to the peaceful planet Earth, is a good-natured villain trying to avenge Luka for Thunder Hawk. After an attack on the earthlings, Esperman, and Daily, Khan sends Purpur, Momo, and Lizell to attack Thunderhawk, Esperman, and Daily, but often fails. Kan, who used all sorts of sneaky means, such as kidnapping Dr. Yang and kidnapping Chadol, succeeded in deceiving Esperman and Daily by using the trick of killing his subordinates by himself. He gets Esperman and Daily into trouble, but finally, with the help of the procrastination that appeared, he defeated the Khan gang with the help of the procrastination that appeared. They defeat the enemy and keep the peace of the planet.
Invincible Fighter Thunderhawk

영구와 황금박쥐
Nam Ki-Nam
Sim Hyeong-Rae
Aliens from Andromeda and the wicked mad scientist, Dr. Zero, come to Korea and take the locals of Korea, so they could be used in experiments. Yong Gu, an ordinary man, discovers he has superpowers and uses these super-powers to be "Golden Bat", the legendary crime-fighter and savior to the human race. Golden Bat, his girlfriend, a scientist and his son must all together save Korea and the locals from Dr. Zero, the Andromedans and other evil forces from beyond.
Young-gu and the Golden Bat

영구와 땡칠이
Nam Gi-nam
Kim Hak-rae, Park Seung-dae
Ghosts come visiting to a deserted village. A child named Yong-gu approaches the deserted house where the ghosts are plotting away. The ghosts are afraid that their plans of conquering the human world may be compromised but breath easily when they realize that Yong-gu is a slow child. Thirsty for blood, the ghosts kill some people. Yong-gu suspects it is the ghosts' deed but no one believes him when he says so. Yong-gu goes to a Buddhist monk but the monk already knows about the ghosts. On a night with a full moon when Frankenstein is to be awakened, the monk, Yong-gu, and the children go to the deserted house. With the monk's powers, they are able to fight against the ghosts. But the monk falls to Dracula's attack. Dracula falls when he is hit by a rubber shoe thrown in haste…
Younggu and Ddaengchili

영구와 땡칠이 4: 홍콩 할매귀신
Nam Gi-nam
Kim Ji-seon, Eom Yong-soo
A fox and a raccoon are thrown out of heaven for their sins and land in Young-gu's village. The fox and the raccoon fight viciously all night because only one of them can return to heaven alive. But the raccoon is outwitted by the fox and is injured severely. The raccoon, now transformed into a pretty young woman, is found unconscious in front of Young-gu's house. Young-gu's parents take her in as Young-gu's bride. But the fox has turned into a Hong Kong Granny Ghost and is killing children to drink their blood and eating their livers. Young-gu and the raccoon team up to fight the fox and the fox finally is killed when a lightening strikes its tail s only weak point. The raccoon bids farewell to Young-gu and ascends to heaven on a rope.
Young-gu and Ddaengchili 4: Hong Kong Granny Ghost

드래곤 볼: 싸워라 손오공 이겨라 손오공
Ryong Wang
Heo Seong-Tae, Lee Joo-Hee
The young warrior Son Ogong (Son Goku) goes on a outrageous quest to acquire seven magical orbs, along the way beating up evil persons who want to steal the orbs for their own ends.
Dragon Ball: Fight Son Goku, Win Son Goku

Sim Hyeong-Rae
Sim Hyeong-Rae, Ricky Jeon Je-Hyeok
On the peaceful star of Andromeda, the reign of terror begins when the emperor of darkness, Lucas, takes over the planet. Lucas takes King Gaus hostage. Princess Shou Shou, Gaus' daughter and her protector, Sally the warrior, make a narrow escape to earth. Lucas sends his soldiers to capture the princess. At the same time, Young-gu and Yang-gu on earth are testing their new invention. The princess and Sally escape the soldiers and take refuge in Young-gu's house. The princess had escaped with a necklace that has the power to make the Power King with a good-hearted person. They try it on Yang-gu but it is Young-gu who turns into the Power King. Lucas sends Sanal, Lucifer and Monster to kill the Power King.
Power King