Scott Kalvert
1964 - 2014Guns N' Roses: Live at the Ritz
Scott Kalvert
W. Axl Rose, Slash
MTV was there, and this was huge, but eventually the MTV guys were like, “We gotta go, we gotta get this going, guys.”Axl’s like, “Fuck it. I’m not going on unless I have my bandanna!” Apparently, he couldn’t find it after tearing apart the little hovel they gave us backstage. Of course the rest of the band was avoiding any eye contact with Axl, preferring to wander off, out of earshot, to do their grumbling.Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. “What’s wrong with you, Axl?” He shrugged me off and continued with his insane tirade. He had all of our roadies looking around for people who had scarves or bandannas. I said, “C’mon, Axl, let’s just go on.”He blurted out, “Fuck that. Fuck you. I need a bandanna or a scarf or I’m not doing this.” Axl finally found a fucking scarf, some powder-blue, girly-looking thing, and the show began.-Steven Adler in his autobiography, "My Appetite for Destruction"
Guns N' Roses: Live at the Ritz

The Marky Mark Workout: Form... Focus... Fitness
Scott Kalvert
Марк Уолберг
A shirtless, shiny and ultra-buffed Marky Mark (a.k.a. Mark Wahlberg) provides plenty of eye candy as well as useful muscle building techniques. The video covers stretching, machines, free weights and proper nutrition.
The Marky Mark Workout: Form... Focus... Fitness

Deuces Wild
Scott Kalvert
Stephen Dorff, Fairuza Balk
1950s New York City. A bad and bloody gang war is about to erupt on the dysfunctional streets of Brooklyn. The Deuces at war with the vicious Vipers. Scott Kalvert directs this tale of lust, drugs, mayhem and madness during one hot summer on the streets of New York.
Deuces Wild