Esther Gronenborn
1968 (57 лет)Ich werde nicht schweigen
Esther Gronenborn
Nadja Uhl, Martin Wuttke
TV post-war drama about a gruesome chapter of the Nazi era. Nadja Uhl reveals "wild" euthanasia in psychiatry. Oldenburg, 1948: For Margaret Oelkers (Uhl) and her two little sons, the pension is not enough as a war-wittwe behind and in front. But the authorities are working hard, not even because of their lack of credentials on the employment of their killed in the war. After an energetic appearance at the office, she is briefly put into the psychiatry of the Wehnen nursing home as a trainee. The consequences are bitter: one attests to their schizophrenia, takes away the children and brings them to the sister in the country. For a year, Margarete was kept in the hospital against her will, and forced to do so with electric shocks. After her release, she was placed under the guardianship of her neighbor Erich Windhorst (Martin Wuttke), a man with an SS past...
Ich werde nicht schweigen

Väter allein zu Haus: Andreas
Esther Gronenborn
Tim Oliver Schultz, Gitta Schweighöfer
Andreas finds it difficult to come to terms with the fact that Stella, his husband Christian's niece, is becoming more and more independent at the age of seven. Stella has lived with the two men since her mother's early death. Andreas looked after her lovingly every day, which is why he has never worked, despite having completed an engineering degree. And now, as a full-time father, should he no longer be in demand and find an employer that his vita doesn't put off? Difficult. His father Herbert has never made a secret of the fact that he doesn't believe in his son's life model. The fact that the grumpy pensioner was kicked out of the door by his wife Liselotte after more than 30 years of marriage and is now moving in with Andreas and Christian of all places, harbors potential for conflict.
Väter allein zu Haus: Andreas

99€ Films
Rolf Peter Kahl, Sebastian Beer
Alexandra Maria Lara, Richy Müller
Anyone can hold a mini-DV camera. Anyone can get 99 euros in credit. And everyone has already written a five-minute story in school. So everyone is actually prepared to make a 99euro-film. but "99euro-films" is more. It is the proof that German films can also be wild, new, modern, funny, political and entertaining. And all that in 80 minutes. 12 young German filmmakers come together, inspire exciting young actors and go: have an idea and simply film it. Just do it and be independent.
99€ Films

Ziemlich russische Freunde
Esther Gronenborn
Oliver Mommsen, Susanna Simon
Семья Вайгелей решила продать свой земельный участок, чтобы купить квартиру, а семья Галкиных, перебравшаяся в Германию из России, решила его купить, чтобы построить дом. О цене договорились, ударили по рукам, заключили сделку и поехали ее к Галкиным отмечать...
Ziemlich russische Freunde

Ein Wochenende im August
Esther Gronenborn
Nadja Uhl, Carlo Ljubek
Happily married to Thomas, her daughter just off to college, Katja teaches math and music at the local elementary school. Her life seems perfect. Until a chance encounter turns her world upside down. The very weekend her family is away, she meets Daniel, an attractive, inquisitive fellow, backpacking through Germany. A travel journalist, just passing through, he camps out on her lawn. They connect. She finds his independent, freewheeling lifestyle fascinating. He tells her of his journeys. He makes her feel alive, reawakens her youthful hopes and dreams. Now old regrets come rushing back. After three exciting days, she is faced with the decision: does she go with him, or does she stay in her own, safe little world?
An August Weekend

Hinter Kaifeck
Esther Gronenborn
Benno Fürmann, Alexandra Maria Lara
Фотограф Марк с сыном приезжает в маленький городок Кайфек. Случайно он заинтересовывается рассказом о страшном массовом убийстве, которое произошло девяносто лет назад недалеко от этих мест. Марк старается узнать подробности этой истории, но, когда речь заходит о событиях тех лет, горожане вдруг становятся подозрительно неразговорчивыми. Даже обычно болтливая хозяйка гостиницы старательно избегает этой темы. Возможно, Марк и сам бы забыл об этой истории, но прошлое само вторгается в его жизнь — по ночам у него возникают странные видения. Чем ближе он приближается к разгадке, тем больше жители Кайфека хотят, чтобы «чужак» уехал и оставил их в покое, и тем большая опасность грозит самому ему и его сыну…
Hinter Kaifeck