Carlo Rola
1958 - 2016Der Zürich-Krimi: Borcherts Abrechnung
Carlo Rola
Christian Kohlund, Ina Paule Klink
Attorney Thomas Borchert is in custody, where he is accused of bribery and embezzlement. His former supervisor Horst Zeidler advises him to take the blame in order to then make a deal with the public prosecutor. Borchert rejects the offer. He wants to prove his innocence by legal means and is looking for a suitable defense for himself in court.
Money. Murder. Zurich.: Borchert's deduction

Carlo Rola
Ben Becker, Jürgen Vogel
Берлин в «золотые двадцатые». Город, в котором возможно все. Город, в котором братья Франц и Эрих Засс были самыми знаменитыми бандитами. Они никому не верили, никого не боялись и никогда ничего не просили. Братья стали любимыми героями берлинцев, с блеском проведя серию ограблений и оставляя каждый раз полицию с носом. О Франце и Эрихе писали в газетах и говорили на улицах. Их слава и богатство росли. Но этого им казалось мало. Братья задумали свою последнюю, самую дерзкую операцию: они решили проникнуть в хранилище самого охраняемого банка в Берлине. Банка, где нацисты хранили 15 миллионов марок для своей предвыборной кампании…

Reise in ein verborgenes Leben
Hans Neuenfels
Stefan Wieland, Carlo Rola
An imaginary biography of Jean Genet, poet and high priest of evil. "Revolt is something I allow myself", said Jean Genet in 1975. Born in Paris in 1910, raised and humiliated in an approved school, a pederast and thief who has been to prison 14 times and expelled from five European countries. His novels are ballads of poisonous beauty, his plays are murky rituals of oppression where each person acts out the role imposed upon him by the others.
Journey Into a Secret Life

Der Mann ohne Schatten
Carlo Rola
Jan Josef Liefers, Stefanie Stappenbeck
It is not a common assignment for the Berlin lawyer, womanizer and life artist Joachim Vernau: He should look for a man in Havana, who disappeared without a trace 30 years ago. Katherina Gebhardt is the sister of the disappeared. Her brother Martin allegedly "emigrated" to the GDR in 1980, but never arrived there. Instead, every year they reach clues that Martin is still alive, sometimes in Cuba, sometimes in the USA. Now she has to sell the house, their common heritage, and asks Vernau to contact the man in Havana.
Der Mann ohne Schatten

Die letzte Instanz
Carlo Rola
Jan Josef Liefers, Stefanie Stappenbeck
An old lady shoots in front of the district court on the homeless Hellmer, who can escape unhurt. Ms. Altenburg comes from Görlitz and was visiting Berlin with her church group. After the crime, Ms. Altenburg suffered a fainting spell and is in hospital. Lawyer Joachim Vernau offers his help to the woman - he travels to Görlitz to get her personal belongings. When he returns, Margarete has died in the clinic. Vernau does not let go of this case: The old lady can not have planned the murder attempt on Hellmer alone. Who got her the weapon? And what is the motive?
Die letzte Instanz

Das Kindermädchen
Carlo Rola
Jan Josef Liefers, Natalia Wörner
Lawyer Joachim Vernau has arrived at the top of Berlin society. Soon he marries into the influential family of Zernikows. But the visit of an old woman changes everything. A former nanny claims compensation in a Russian form from Zernikows' for the time she worked with them. Shortly thereafter, the bearer of the letter - the old woman found dead ...
Das Kindermädchen

Die Mutter des Mörders
Carlo Rola
Natalia Wörner, Lucas Reiber
Single mother Maria falls from the clouds when the police come: She does not believe for a second that her son, Matis could have killed the pretty Lea from next door. He is in his early 20s, but still thinks and feels like a child - right? After his arrest, Simon finds a sex booklet belongs to him that the bus driver Bacher sold him. Matis actually makes a confession, to which, however, the psychologist Benjamin doubts. In the meantime, mother Maria is investigating on her own. The thriller gradually increases its level and excitement.
Die Mutter des Mörders

Vergiss nie, dass ich Dich Liebe
Carlo Rola
Ann-Cathrin Sudhoff, Karin Baal
A woman discovers with astonishment that her husband has committed suicide. Sumida in great pain decides to investigate the reasons that drove her husband to make a decision as tragic. But the symptoms of incipient disease begin to limit their target.
Remember I'll Always Love You