Ronald Saland
2021'Bullitt': Steve McQueen's Commitment to Reality
Ronald Saland
Steve McQueen, Bill Hickman
A behind the scenes look at the making of the movie Bullitt with a strong focus on the attention to details taken. It features some of the preparations made before shooting began, but is mostly focused on the onsite filming locations which brings a strong amount of reality to the film as the title suggests.
'Bullitt': Steve McQueen's Commitment to Reality

A Look Into the 23rd Century
Ronald Saland
Jenny Agutter, Michael York
The movie Logan's Run (1976) depicts a supposedly Utopian society in the 23rd century, but one where, as producer Saul David puts it, "there is a worm in the apple". The filmmakers use current technology and ideals of pleasure to depict this perfect future. Director Michael Anderson finds meshing these two worlds an exciting challenge, especially in trying to create something that has never been seen before in the movies. The studio's technology department plays a key role in creating Anderson and David's vision. The movie's stars, Michael York and Jenny Agutter, provide their take on the movie, their roles and working with each other and with fellow co-star Richard Jordan. The filmmakers also need to create the antithesis of the modern Utopian world for the scenes taking place outside of the domed world.
A Look Into the 23rd Century

Operation Dirty Dozen
Ronald Saland
Lee Marvin, John Cassavetes
A short film looking behind the scenes at the making of The Dirty Dozen. Showing many scenes being filmed just north of London, the short focuses mostly on star Lee Marvin enjoying his pursuits on his one day off a week.
Operation Dirty Dozen