Bernhard Pötscher
2021The Rounder Girls
Sabine Derflinger, Bernhard Pötscher
Their ethnic roots are different and they are neither blond nor thin; this a cappella ensemble is their own creation. Three powerfully voiced singers and their pianist tour Austria and Germany, performing a program of soul and gospel. Trendy cafés and village church, everyday life as a musician and survival away from the international charts.
The Rounder Girls

Geraubte Kindheit - und damit leben lernen
Sabine Derflinger, Bernhard Pötscher
Life in a residential community, founded 14 years ago by Annemarie and Fritz Pronegg for neglected, mistreated and abused children. The consequences of violence suffered are constantly present. Those affected tell of the effects and difficulties of living with the past.
Geraubte Kindheit - und damit leben lernen

Achtung Staatsgrenze
Sabine Derflinger, Bernhard Pötscher
A film about jailed refugees waiting for deportation and the many conflicts which affect their personal fates, the efforts of refugee organizations and the problems of the affected authorities.
Achtung Staatsgrenze

Bora - Geschichten eines Windes
Bernhard Pötscher
The Bora is one of the strongest winds in the world, a force of nature. She forms landscapes and sets elements in motion. It determines everyday life and permeates the minds of the people who live in its sphere of influence.
Bora – Stories about a Wind