David Levithan
2021The World Is Watching: Making the Hunger Games
Дженнифер Лоуренс, Suzanne Collins
A feature length, eight part documentary that covers everything from pre-production to adapting the source novel to casting to shooting to post and marketing. This is an amazing in-depth piece and it's notable how many women were involved in this production, from several Lionsgate executives to novelist Suzanne Collins herself. Jennifer Lawrence talks about her "hypocrisy" in not wanting to do a big budget blockbuster after having devoted herself to indies (despite X-Men, which she seems to discount somewhat). There's also a nice sequence on the strength and weight training the actors went through and the stunts that are so notable in the film, as well as having to dance around the violence implicit in the story due to the planned PG-13 rating the filmmakers were aiming for.
The World Is Watching: Making the Hunger Games

Surviving the Game: Making The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Jon Mefford
Nina Jacobson, Josh Hutcherson
An incredibly in depth and informative compendium of nine featurettes that address virtually every aspect of the film, from the adaptive process through the special effects, stunts and production design. There are a number of really well done interviews with most of the principal cast and crew.
Surviving the Game: Making The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Pawns No More: The Making of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2
Jon Mefford
Francis Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson
This making of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 is presented in 8 parts. Each part gives an in depth view of one aspect of creating the movie. You can see how special effects were used; costumes and make-up was done; all about the casting and location of the movie; and much more. This is done by interviews with the cast and crew as well as with fragments from the movie and images from behind the scenes. - Walking through Fire: Concluding the Saga (13:07) - Real or Not Real: Visual Design (9:57) - High Value Targets: The Acting Ensemble (16:33) - From Head to Toe: Costumes, Make-up and Hair (13:38) - Navigation the Minefield: Production in Atlanta, Paris and Berlin (13:06) - Collateral Damage: Stunts, Special Effects and Weapons (18:04) - Tightening the Noose: The Post-production Process (28:43) - A Different World: Reflection (22:33).
Pawns No More: The Making of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2