Ben Hopkins
Ben Hopkins
A European director is commissioned to make a documentary about Istanbul. He starts to film its everyday life - but soon becomes drawn to the darker, more mysterious side of the city - its past, its secrets, its ghosts. Gradually he succumbs to obsession.

37 Uses for a Dead Sheep
Ben Hopkins
To preserve their culture, the Pamir Kirghiz people have migrated across Central Asia from the U.S.S.R to China to Afghanistan to Pakistan and finally to remote eastern Turkey, but now they face the most serious threat to their traditions, globalization.
37 Uses for a Dead Sheep

Simon Magus
Ben Hopkins
Noah Taylor, Stuart Townsend
Simon is an outcast from his Jewish community because he claims that the devil talks to him and he has the ability to put curses on crops. When Dovid asks the 'Squire' to sell him some land so he can build a railway station, a ruthless businessman from the neighbouring gentile community uses Simon to find out who wants to buy the land so he can 'persuade' him otherwise
Simon Magus

Napoli: City of the Damned
Ben Hopkins
When thinking of devastated cities in the Second World War, Naples is often forgotten, but when it was liberated by the Allies it was on its last legs, with 200,000 homeless and no power, transport, food or running water. The Allies quickly brought food to the starving population and medicine to the sick, but the introduction of many troops and lots of supplies led to the creation of a huge black market involving almost the entire population. One third of women became prostitutes as Naples became a kind of Sodom and Gomorrah, a city of vice, crime and chaos where everything that could be sold and stolen was sold and stolen. Perplexingly, the Americans decided to introduce Italo-American criminals into positions of power in southern Italy, such as Vito Genovese, a gangster escaping a murder rap in New York. Genovese began setting up a crime empire in Naples - after Mussolini had effectively suppressed organised crime in Italy, the Allies brought it back. (Storyville)
Napoli: City of the Damned