Jörg Andreas
1966 (59 лет)Intimitäten
Lukas Schmid
Milton Abdalla, Jörg Andreas
Every human being knows it: privacy. Where do intimate moments occur, moments in which intimacy is openly expressed. In search of these moments, a gay-porno production firm, the Wa(h)re-Liebe television reporting team from Berlin, flew to Majorca with Lukas Schmid, a documentary film director. Intimitaeten is a cinema-direct documentary film in which various ways of approaching and analysing intimacy are explored.

Fucking Different
Isabella Gresser, Ades Zabel
Susanne Sachße, Marcel Schlutt
Lesbian filmmakers from Berlin were asked to make a short film about their idea of male gay love and sexuality and, vice versa, gay men were given the task of making a short film about lesbian sexuality and eroticism.
Fucking Different