Rolf Losansky
2021Moritz in der Litfaßsäule
Rolf Losansky
Dirk Müller, Dieter Mann
No one has any time for Moritz. And at school, things are not exactly the greatest either. Moritz runs away and moves into the inside of an advertising pillar. A speaking cat, a circus girl and a street sweeper become his new friends. Gradually, they help the young boy to realize that running away does not solve anything.
Moritz in der Litfaßsäule

White Cloud Carolin
Rolf Losansky
Andreas Roll, Constanze Berndt
It's no big secret that twelve-year-old Hannes is in love with his classmate Carolin, who he compares to a beautiful white cloud in the sky. But when Carolin spends most of her time exploring the village's history with Benno, Hannes becomes increasingly jealous of his rival. The only person who is happy about this situation is Kerstin, who is in fact interested in Hannes. In order to impress Carolin, Hannes takes her and several others out for a boat ride in the nearby Bay of Greifswald, but his plan takes a deadly turn as a storm approaches.
White Cloud Carolin

Das Schulgespenst
Rolf Losansky
Nicole Lichtenheldt, Ricardo Roth
Carola is a mischievous girl who doesn't care much for school- except for sports and recess, of course. Without her good friend Willi to keep her on the straight and narrow, she would really be in trouble. One day at school, Carola has an idea. She invents what she calls "International Ghosts' Day" and a ghost named "Buh" to go with it. When Buh turns out to be less-than-imaginary the two decide to switch places, with Buh taking on all the schoolwork, and Carola taking the opportunity to play practical jokes on all her friends...
School Ghost

Das hölzerne Kälbchen
Bernhard Thieme
Günther Haack, Ursula Alberts
On a pasture in a small village stand the cows and calves of the herder Bürle. Since many years, there is also a wooden calve standing among them. One day, all calves are stolen, even the wooden one. Although they are innocent, all poor villagers are brought to trial. Thereupon, the farmers join forces and discover who really is responsible for the theft.
Das hölzerne Kälbchen

… verdammt, ich bin erwachsen
Rolf Losansky
Ralf Schlösser, Frank Wuttig
15-year old Klaus Kambor, called Kurbel, is living in a village in Lusatia and already thinks of himself as an adult. He can hold a lot of rhubarb wine and has already kissed a girl. But with his new method of lawn mowing, which he thinks is brilliant, Klaus makes a big mistake: He causes a wild fire in the forest. Then he does not react adult-like at all, but shirks the responsibility, which leads to the break-up with his girlfriend Daniela. Furthermore, Klaus does not realize that several of the places he likes the most in his environment are now going to be sacrificed to mining. When Klaus becomes friends with the teacher Konzak and with the construction worker Jule, he feels understood for the first time and starts to take more responsibility.
… verdammt, ich bin erwachsen

Ein Schneemann für Afrika
Rolf Losansky
Wolfgang Penz, Wolfgang Winkler
The little African girl Asina is eagerly waiting for her new friend Karli. Karli is a young sailor from Rostock who has promised her a gift on his next arrival in Coccatuttibana. Karli keeps his promise and smuggles a stowaway onboard the “MS Wismar”. Kasimir, a snowman, finds shelter in a cooling chamber. Although the journey turns out to be turbulent, Karli and Kasimir manage to arrive in Africa in good health.
Ein Schneemann für Afrika

Zirri – Das Wolkenschaf
Rolf Losansky
Babett Ikker, Sebastian Senft
Кристина, известная как Шина, живет на Баумштрассе в большом городе, где не растет ни одно дерево. У нее 13 мышей и стрессовые родители, которые счастливы, когда поезд идет к ее бабушке в отпуск. Она живет за городом, водит телегу, запряженную лошадьми, и может стоять на голове. А дедушка - пастух. Сельскую идиллию в маленьком городке нарушает только производитель шнапса, который постоянно курит и водит машину, выхлопные газы которой, как дымоходы завода по производству шнапса, загрязняют воздух черной тучей.
The Cloud Sheep