Martha Ansara
2021Brazen Hussies
Catherine Dwyer
Elizabeth Reid, Anne Summers
Reveals a revolutionary chapter in Australian history, the Women’s Liberation Movement (1965 -1975). Interweaves fresh archival footage, personal photographs, memorabilia, and personal accounts from activists all around Australia to show how a daring and diverse group of women joined forces to defy the status quo, demand equality, and create profound social change. These women defined one of the greatest social movements of the 20th century, sometimes at great personal cost.
Brazen Hussies

On Guard
Susan Lambert
Alice Ansara, Martha Ansara
Set against the backdrop of modern-day Sydney, this heist-style thriller involves four politicised women from varying backgrounds, who conspire to sabotage the research programme of a multi-national firm, Utero, which is engaged in reproductive engineering. One of the women loses her diary which contains information and diagrams about the raid only a few days to count down. Will the diary fall into the wrong hands leading to the detection of the women before they have a chance to complete their mission? As the tension mounts, so the wider context of the women's lives as mothers, lovers and providers is also shown under strain indicating the many other considerations women have to take into account when embarking on any form of public activity.
On Guard

The Pursuit of Happiness
Martha Ansara
A drama with strong documentary elements, set in the port city of Fremantle, WA, at a time of American nuclear fleet visits. The film traces the conflicts Anna faces within her family and within a divided town. It explores and connects the critical issues of self-determination and self-reliance, both in personal and in international relationships.
The Pursuit of Happiness

A Film for Discussion
Julie Gibson, Jeni Thornley
Jeni Thornley
A docu-drama shot in 1970, but not completed until 1973, the film sought to encapsulate in an experimental form issues that were under discussion within the Women’s Liberation Movement at this time and to thus contribute to action for change. In its numerous community screenings, active debate was encouraged as part of the viewing experience.
A Film for Discussion

Always Was, Always Will Be
Martha Ansara
Robert Bropho
This is the account of the Aboriginal People of Perth on protest to protect the Ancestral First Grandmothers' and Grandfathers' Beliefs of the Sacred Ground of the Waugul at the old Swan Brewery on the Swan River in Perth, W.A.
Always Was, Always Will Be