Merzak Allouache
1944 (80 лет)L'homme qui regardait les fenêtres
Merzak Allouache
Fazia Chemloul, Allel El Mouhib
Mr. Rachid, librarian, shocked and disappointed by his recent transfer, talks about the day and the night that preceded the tragic death of one of his colleagues.
The Man Who Was Looking at the Windows

Lumière et Compagnie
Gabriel Axel, Spike Lee
Jeffe Alperi, Romane Bohringer
40 international directors were asked to make a short film using the original Cinematographe invented by the Lumière Brothers, working under conditions similar to those of 1895. There were three rules: (1) The film could be no longer than 52 seconds, (2) no synchronized sound was permitted, and (3) no more than three takes.
Lumière and Company

Merzak Allouache
Set in the northern Algerian port city of Mostaganem. The title refers to the hordes of refugees, the 'Harragas', who smuggle themselves out of the country via any means possible. Here we meet one such group, Rachid, Nasser and Imene who pay a smuggler, Hassan, to take them to Spain in his rickety boat. Along with a group of African and Arab migrants, they are risking all they have to cross the stormy Straits.

عمر قتلتوا الرجلة
Merzak Allouache
Boualem Benani, Aziz Degga
A watershed film, Omar Gatlato held a mirror up to Algerian male culture and the mirror cracked. The title refers to the expression "gatlato al-rujula," or, roughly, "machismo killed him" and the film's mordant insights into male posturing and alienation in Algerian society animate this bit of folk wisdom. In mock documentary style, a young man recounts with wry commentary a typical day in his life in the Bab el-Oued quarter of Algiers, while the camera playfully shows a different story. In following Omar and his friends in their pursuit of happiness, the film examines with shrewd humor the gang values of urban youth; their passion for popular culture (soccer, "Hindoo" movies, Rai concerts), their hidden fear of women, and their social insecurity in an environment where they are marginalized.
Omar Gatlato

La soledad del manager
Merzak Allouache
Juanjo Puigcorbé, Valeria Marini
Carvalho is investigating the murder of a man by a prostitute, according to the job the man's wife has given him. But he cannot imagine that the issue goes far beyond and is at a much bigger scale than anyone may think. There is a large multinational behind all the deaths that happen while the investigation is taking place, and economic interests will put Carvalho and his friends in danger.
La soledad del manager

Bab El Oued City
Merzak Allouache
Nadia Kaci, Mohamed Ourdache
Bab El-Oued, a popular district of Algiers, in 1989, a few months after the riots. Boualem works at night in a bakery and steals the loudspeaker that was installed on his roof and was broadcasting the Imam's word... therefore preventing him from sleeping. This blunder is taken as a pretext by the Islamists to put the district under their control...
Bab El Oued City

La baie d'Alger
Merzak Allouache
Catherine Jacob, Solal Forte
The writer Louis Gardel remembers his youth in Algeria. In 1955, Louis is 15 years old and lives with his grandmother Zoé. Zoé is friend with president Steiger, leader of the French settlers but also with the old Arab Bouarab. One night looking at the Bay of Algiers, Louis is convinced that the world in which he has grown will disappear. The first events of the War of Independence have begun. The young boys and young girls have a good time at the seaside: swimming, dancing, flirting. But, little by little, the war becomes part of their daily life.
Bay of Algiers

El Taaib
Merzak Allouache
Nabil Asli, Adila Bendimered
Algeria region of the high flatlands. As Islamist groups continue to spread terror, Rashid, a young Jihadist, leaves the mountains to return to his village. In keeping with the law « of pardon and national harmony », he has to surrender to the police and give up his weapon. He thus receives amnesty and becomes a « repenti ». But the law cannot erase his crimes and for Rachid it's the beginning of a one-way journey of violence, secrets and manipulation.
The Repentant

Merzak Allouache
After the December riots and the first peaceful marches in Algeria, while the Arab Spring begins in Tunisia and Egypt, Fouzi wants to gather his actors to show them the unfinished editing of the film he made two years ago on the illusion of a young man who seeks to express his artistic ideas. He seeks another point of view, especially an end, and he relies on the reactions of the actors to invent a new resolution of his history, in a country suddenly raised by a wave of disputes. During the projection of the film, the debate takes place: what is the place of art creation in Algeria today? How to create something without confronting censorship? How to resist ? By making movies or walking in streets towards a new revolution? Two stories intertwine, fiction and reality? A new vision of the Algerian youth of today in full political and artistic questioning.

L'autre Monde
Merzak Allouache
Marie Brahimi
Yasmine and Rachid, two young Parisians children of Algerian immigrants, are in love and live a quiet life in France. One day, Rachid disappears and Yasmine learns that he is in Algeria. She decides to follow him, in that country that she does not know, that is filled with violence. As she travels looking for Rachid, she falls deeper into the horror of a country where nothing seems normal, another world, where death is ever present.
The Other World

Salut cousin !
Merzak Allouache
Gad Elmaleh, Messaoud Hattau
The comedy in this lively film barely conceals its darker, more serious undertones as it chronicles a young Algerian's eye-opening introduction to the joys and travails of being an immigrant in Paris. Alilo has left his home to pick up an important suitcase for his employer. Unfortunately, he has lost the Parisian address. Fortunately, his cousin Mok, emigrated there several years before with his middle-class family before and is able to act as a guide. Mok, an aspiring rap singer, comes from a middle-class family, but chooses to live on his own in the dilapidated deteriorating 18th district, known as 'Moskova.' Mok characterizes the place as a haven for artists and intellectuals, but it is plainly just a Third World slum filled with tightly knit and colorful neighbors. Mok and Alilo have many interesting, some tragedy-tinged adventures over the five days it takes them to find the suitcase.
Salut cousin !

L'@mour est à réinventer
Paul Vecchiali, Merzak Allouache
Bérénice Bejo, Guillaume Depardieu
Different aspects of homosexual romance are explored in this compendium of ten short vignettes encompassing a broad look at AIDS and range for the tale of a lesbian teen trying to come out to her parents, to a gay man who shocks his lover by claiming to be pregnant, to another man's reminiscence of a brief affair with an HIV-positive man.
Love Reinvented