Anne Wivel
Anne Wivel
Svend Auken
For two years, director Anne Wivel and her camera followed her husband, the prominent Danish politician Svend Auken. The initial aim was to portray a modern, idealistic politician with great visions for the future. But during shooting, Auken contracted cancer, and the film became a portrayal of the politician, husband and father who feels his life is fading away, even if his work here is not yet finished.

Danske piger viser alt
Dušan Makavejev, Ane Mette Ruge
Judi Martin Clark, Lis Dam
Despite its suggestive title, this multi-part Danish omnibus film is not a work of exploitation. Instead, it presents 20 different short films (back-to-back) on the general theme of Danish women, directed by filmmakers including Krzysztof Zanussi, Monika Treut, Gustav Hamos, David Blair, Vibeke Vogel, Dusan Makavejev, Morten Skallerud and Lars Norgaard. Some dramatic vignettes mix with other comedic ones, but all are offbeat and experimental. The picture includes one animated sequence (by Norgaard).
Danish Girls Show Everything

Anne Wivel
Henning Kronstam, Heidi Ryom
A black-and-white documentary which closely follows the rehearsal process of the famous ballet Giselle, originally choreographed by Adolphe Adam. The focus here is entirely on the process by which ballet master Henning Kronstram conveys the spirit and the endless details of the ballet to his dancers.

Søren Kierkegaard
Anne Wivel
A daring, artistically courageous portrait of Sųren Kierkegaard's philosophy, not as dead, abstract theory, but as everyday living actuality. Director Anne Wivel invites us to join a group of students and professors as they passionately debate observations by one of the founders of existentialism, while tranquil scenes from nature illustrate the simple life that anti-rationalist Kierkegaard believed might propel us into a necessary "leap of faith." No dry commentary on an anachronistic ethic here: Wivel aims for nothing less than a radical transformation--dialogue made so richly visual, communication becomes moving image.
Søren Kierkegaard