Svetlana Druzhinina
1935 (89 лет)The Girls
Yuri Chulyukin
Nadezhda Rumyantseva, Nikolai Rybnikov
A graduate of the culinary technical school of the cook, Tosya Kislitsyna, a naive and eccentric girl, came to the village lost in the northern forests. She sticks her nose in all affairs, seeks to help everyone. She met Ilya on the day of arrival: the "first guy in the village" fell upon her indignantly, and in the evening, to brighten up an unpleasant meeting, she decided to "make happy" with an invitation to a dance and was refused. Not accustomed to refusals, Ilya argues with Filya that during the week he will fall in love with Tosya...
The Girls

Delo Bylo v Penkove
Stanislav Rostotsky
Maya Menglet, Vyacheslav Tikhonov
Tractor driver Matvey Morozov returns to his native village from the prison. And he recalls the story of his marriage, his fatal love, failed betrayal and committed reckless “crime”, in which he doesn't repent at all.
It Happened in Penkovo

Гардемарины, вперед!
Svetlana Druzhinina
Sergey Zhigunov, Dmitriy Kharatyan
Three naval cadets accidentally get possession of a secret diary that was stolen from Bestuzhev, a vice-chancellor of Russia. If this diary ever gets abroad, the consequences for the country would be grave. The cadets are trying to return the papers to their owner, but there are others who want to get the papers...
Naval Cadets, Charge!

Сватовство гусара
Svetlana Druzhinina
Mikhail Boyarskiy, Yelena Koreneva
Ardently falling in love with the daughter of a pawnbroker, dashing hussar could not imagine to what extent the future father-in-law is greedy. But the hussar was no fool and took the same old sensualist and hunks around your finger, producing money from him.
Matchmaking the hussar

Исполнение желаний
Svetlana Druzhinina
Yevgeni Lebedev, Innokentiy Smoktunovskiy
Молодой филолог работает в архиве своего учителя, и ему удается расшифровать бесценный пушкинский автограф. Первооткрыватель, вдохновленный успехом, забывает обо всем на свете. И случается невероятное: при загадочных обстоятельствах архив исчезает. Теперь ученому необходимо отстоять свое доброе имя — и не только среди коллег.
Исполнение желаний

Дульсинея Тобосская
Svetlana Druzhinina
Natalya Gundareva, Tatyana Pelttser
Dulcinea seeks an eternal dream of justice, chivalry, protection of the wronged in real, everyday life but all her dreams fail to come true. All men to whom she turns for setting the out-of-joint time right fall short of her expectations because they are too small for the task. She is mocked, exposed and disappointed. So what to do? Somebody has to take Don Quixote's place.
Dulcinea of Tobossa

Доброе утро
Andrey Frolov
Tatyana Konyukhova, Izolda Izvitskaya
Тихая и застенчивая девушка Катя попадает по распределению на строительство автомагистрали. Молодые рабочие очень тепло принимают юную стажёрку и во всём ей помогают. Со временем Катя влюбляется в одного из них — передовика-экскаваторщика Васю Плотникова. Он очень весёлый, жизнерадостный парень, душа компании и любимец всех девушек. Однако Вася занят исключительно своей персоной, упивается славой и успехом, совершенно не обращая никакого внимания на скромную Катю.
Good Morning

Gardemariny III
Svetlana Druzhinina
Dmitriy Kharatyan, Mikhail Mamayev
There is a seven-year war, Russian soldiers are forced to fight for the interests of France and Austria against Prussia. The midshipmen continue to selflessly serve the Motherland. One is on an expedition, the other is at court, and the third is sent to Venice to hand over a jewelry box. In fact, there is a message in the box, on which the future fate of Europe and Russia depends!
Naval Cadets III

Орлиный остров
Marianna Roshal, Mikhail Izrailev
Gennadi Yudin, Svetlana Druzhinina
Archaeologists have found on the island of Eagle remnants of slave shackles. On the expedition, rumors of an old legend spread about the figure of Achilles, who sometimes appeared on the local rock, and who was helping the sailors to find a safe fairway in bad weather. The expedition after a long search finds nothing and moves out, but the leader decides to stay. And after a while, he discovers a mysterious state created by runaway slaves...
Eagle Island