Yuli Karasik
1923 - 2005Человек, которого я люблю
Yuli Karasik
Georgi Zhzhyonov, Yevgeni Gerasimov
Живут вместе в далеком городе Благовещенске трое мужчин — отец и два сына. Младшему — Родьке — 15 лет. Костя после окончания института работает хирургом и задыхается от «серости» окружающих. Родька страдает от невозможности помочь людям. В доме появляется молодая женщина, которую приводит Костя. Когда он уедет в Москву, отец и Родька станут ее лучшими друзьями.
Человек, которого я люблю

A Glass of Water
M. Filimonova, Yuli Karasik
Kirill Lavrov, Natalya Belokhvostikova
When a small state is threatened with capture by a much stronger one, only one thing can save it: the emergence of a competitor comparable to the invader. In a graceful and witty play by Scribe, hostilities unfold around a young officer, in whom the modest saleswoman of a jewelry store, the omnipotent Duchess of Marlborough and the Queen of England herself fell in love at the same time.
A Glass of Water

Yuli Karasik
Alla Demidova, Vladimir Chetverikov
Based on the play of the same name by Anton Chekhov. About the searches and doubts of the Russian intelligentsia at the end of the 19th century. Events unfold on the estate of Pyotr Sorin, which brought together representatives of secular society - actress Irina Arkadina, the host's sister and her lover, the famous writer Trigorin. Sorin’s nephew, Konstantin Treplev, in love with a neighbor girl Nina Zarechnaya, who dreams of becoming an actress, writes for her a play that she plays in the scenery of Sorin’s garden.
The Seagull

Без солнца
Yuli Karasik
Mikhail Gluzskiy, Aleksey Petrenko
“Without the Sun” is the first name that Gorky himself gave to his play and which most closely matches its essence. For this work is not about the "day" and its people, but about the indestructible, passionate desire of people from darkness to light, to the sun. "
Without Sun

Ждите писем
Yuli Karasik
Vsevolod Abdulov, Nikolai Dovzhenko
A group of young people comes to a Siberian construction site. They form a brigade, one of their tasks being cutting of a track for a power line. Different reasons made these people go to taiga and become pathfinders. One of them, a former taxi-driver Leonid (A.Kuznetsov) went to earn lots of money, Rimma (A.Zavialova) from the undivided love, the yesterdays schoolboy Constantine to find romantic appeal and adventures, and Vladimir (N.Dovzhenko) attempting to escape his shadowy past. Far away from the city fuss, in severe labor conditions and unsettled way of life, relations of these absolutely unknown to each other people gradually resume the normal course. Here many of them experience revaluation of values, others even find their love.
Wait for Letters

Берега в тумане
Yuli Karasik
Anatoliy Kuznetsov, Leonid Filatov
Осенью 1921 года разгромленная в Крыму врангелевская армия после недолгого пребывания в Турции находит прибежище в Болгарии. Белогвардейский полковник Сергей Егорьев живет здесь с сыном и дочерью. Его жену и младшую дочь, потерявшихся во время бегства в Севастополе, приютила семья большевика Дмитрия Шелопугина. Дмитрий направляется в Болгарию для агитационной работы среди русских солдат…
Берега в тумане